diff --git a/src/design/orbit-determination-parameters-class-diagram.puml b/src/design/orbit-determination-parameters-class-diagram.puml
index e8107926ba11c5da61435e7f1005c7bdb7d1b5a2..fe06c0c18ed36d693f51e4fa799bcaebff016da1 100644
--- a/src/design/orbit-determination-parameters-class-diagram.puml
+++ b/src/design/orbit-determination-parameters-class-diagram.puml
@@ -28,15 +28,8 @@
   package org.orekit #ECEBD8 {
-    package frames #DDEBD8 {
-      class TopocentricFrame
-    }
     package utils #DDEBD8 {
-      interface ParameterObserver {
-        +valueChanged(previousValue, driver)
-      }
-      class ParametersDriver {
+      class ParameterDriver {
@@ -47,7 +40,11 @@
-      ParameterObserver <--o ParametersDriver : observers
+      interface ParameterObserver {
+        +valueChanged(previousValue, driver)
+      }
+      ParameterDriver o--> ParameterObserver : observers
+      ParameterDriver <-right-* ParameterDriversList : manage duplicates
     package estimation #DDEBD8 {
@@ -56,22 +53,28 @@
         class BatchLSEstimator
-      ParametersDriver <-- BatchLSEstimator : change normalized value
+      BatchLSEstimator --> ParameterDriver : change normalized value
+      BatchLSEstimator *--> ParameterDriversList : managed parameters
       package measurement #CEEBD8 {
         interface ObservedMeasurement {
-          +getParametersDrivers()
+            getParametersDrivers()
         class GroundStation
-        Range     ..|> ObservedMeasurement
-        RangeRate ..|> ObservedMeasurement
-        GroundStation "1" <--o Range
-        GroundStation "1" <--o RangeRate
+        ObservedMeasurement <|.. Range
+        ObservedMeasurement <|.. RangeRate
+        Range o--> "1" GroundStation
+        RangeRate o--> "1" GroundStation
         ParameterObserver <..* GroundStation : East/North/Zenith offsets
-        TopocentricFrame <--* GroundStation : updated on parameter change
+        BatchLSEstimator --> ObservedMeasurement
+    package frames #DDEBD8 {
+      class TopocentricFrame
+      GroundStation --> TopocentricFrame : updated on parameter change
+    }
diff --git a/src/site/markdown/architecture/estimation.md b/src/site/markdown/architecture/estimation.md
index 5b0762503a9a83d3838f358928ae283e9137351f..164c761883773cf17a4407baec2f2ab37bc33bc1 100644
--- a/src/site/markdown/architecture/estimation.md
+++ b/src/site/markdown/architecture/estimation.md
@@ -37,21 +37,21 @@ There are two main sub-packages: `org.orekit.estimation.measurements` and `org.o
 ![orbit determination measurements class diagram](../images/design/orbit-determination-measurements-class-diagram.png)
 The `measurements` package defines everything that is related to the measurements themselves, both the theoretical
-values and the modifications that can be applied to them. All measurements must implement the `Measurements`
+values and the modifications that can be applied to them. All measurements must implement the `ObservedMeasurement`
 interface, which is the public API that the engine will use to deal with all measurements. The most important
 methods of this interface allow to:
 * get the observed value
-* compute the theoretical value of a measurement,
+* estimate the theoretical value of a measurement,
 * compute the corresponding partial derivatives (with respect to state and parameters)
-* commute the time offset between measurement and spacecraft state
+* compute the time offset between measurement and spacecraft state
-The theoretical evaluations can be modified by registering one or several `EvaluationModifier`
-objects. These objects will manage notions like tropospheric delays, biases, ground antennas mounts ...
+The estimated measurements can be modified by registering one or several `EstimationModifier`
+objects. These objects will manage notions like tropospheric delays, biases, ground antennas position offsets ...
 A typical operational case from a ground stations network would create distance and angular measurements, create
 one bias modifier for the on-board delay for distance measurements, a few modifiers for each ground station
-(position offset, antenna mount, delay), one modifier for tropospheric delay and add them to corresponding measurements
+(position offset, delay), modifiers for tropospheric and ionospheric delays and add them to corresponding measurements
 (i.e. all distance measurements would share the same on-board delay object, but distance measurements performed
 by two difference ground stations would refer to different sets of ground station positions offsets for example).
@@ -70,30 +70,95 @@ measurement and propagator parameters can also be retrieved by themselves.
 The `BatchLSEstimator` class creates an internal implementation of Hipparchus `LeastSquaresProblem` interface
 to represent the orbit determination problem and passes it to one of the `LeastSquaresOptimizer` implementations to
-solve it. During the resolution, the selected Hipparchus algorithm will call the `value` method of the
-local `LeastSquaresProblem` model at each algorithm test point. This will trigger one orbit propagation with
+solve it. Several choices are possible, among which `LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer` and `GaussNewtonOptimizer`. The former
+is considered more robust and can start from initial guesses farther than the second one. If `GaussNewtonOptimizer` is
+neverthelesss selected, it should be configured to use `QR` decomposition rather than `LU` decomposition for increased
+stability in case of poor observability. During the resolution, the selected Hipparchus algorithm will call the `evaluate`
+method of the local `LeastSquaresProblem` model at each algorithm test point. This will trigger one orbit propagation with
 some test values for the orbit state and the parameters (for example biases from the measurements modifiers parameters
 or drag coefficients from the force models parameters). During the propagation, the Orekit event mechanism is used to
 collect the state and its Jacobians at measurements dates. A `MeasurementsHandler` class performs the binding between the
 generic events handling mechanism and the orbit determination framework. At each measurement date, it gets the state
-and Jacobians from the propagator side, it calls the measurement methods to get the residuals and the partial
-derivatives on the measurements side, and it fetches the least squares estimator with the combined values, to be
-provided back to the Hipparchus algorithm, thus closing the loop.
-The orbital state is always estimated. Users can also estimate some propagator  and measurements parameters. These parameters
-are modeled using the `Parameter` class, which is essentially  a key-value pair with multi-dimensional values. The
-parameters can be flagged as estimated or fixed, and the values can be modified. Each measurement or modifier that
-support some parameters will create one instance for each parameter. The `BatchLSEstimator` estimator will retrieve
-all the parameters and the caller can select the set of parameters that should be estimated for a given run. At each
-iteration of the least squares solver, the test values for the estimated parameters will be reset.
+and Jacobians from the propagator side, calls the measurement methods to get the residuals and the partial
+derivatives on the measurements side, and fetches the least squares estimator with the combined values, to be
+provided back to the Hipparchus least squares solver, thus closing the loop.
+### Estimated parameters
+Users can decide what they want to estimate. The 6 orbital parameters are typically always estimated and are selected
+by default, but it is possible to fix some or all of these parameters. Users can also estimate some propagator parameters
+(like drag coefficient or radiation pressure coefficient) and measurements parameters (like biases or stations position
+offsets). One use case for estimating only a subset of the orbital parameters is when observations are very scarce (say
+the first few measurements on a newly detected debris or asteroid). One use case for not estimating any orbital parameters
+at all is when calibrating measurements biases from a reference orbit considered to be perfect Selecting which parameters
+should be estimates and which parameters should remain fixed is done thanks to the `ParameterDriver` class. During setup,
+the user can retrieve three different `ParametersDriversList` from the `BatchLSEstimator`:
+* one list containing the 6 orbital parameters, which are estimated by default
+* one list containing the propagator parameters, which depends on the force models used and
+  are not estimated by default
+* one list containing the measurements parameters, which are not estimated by default
+Then, looping on the elements of these lists, the user can change the default settings depending on his/her needs
+and for example fix a dew orbital parameters while estimating a few propagation and measurements parameters.
+#### Parameters values changes
+Once everything has been set up, the `estimate` method of `BatchLSEstimator` is called. The least squares solver will
+then modify the values of the parameters that have been flagged as selected (and hence should be estimated). The
+estimator does not know the meaning of any of the parameters, they appear all the same for it. Under the hood,
+each parameters was in fact created by an object which knows what the parameter mean, like for example an object
+involved in the drag computation. This object uses the observer design pattern to monitor each change attempted by
+the optimization algorithm, and it will adapt its computation according to the last change performed. This design
+improves the decoupling between the upper layer managing the batch least square estimation and the lower layer to
+which force models or biases belong. It therefore allows user to add their own parameters if they create specific
+force models, specific measurements or specific measurements modifiers. All they need to do is provide some
+`ParameterDriver` instances and implement the `ParameterObserver` interface to monitor when the estimator will
+change these new parameters.
 ![orbit determination parameters class diagram](../images/design/orbit-determination-parameters-class-diagram.png)
 The class diagram above depicts the parameter update mechanism for the case of ground station position offset. The
 `Range` and `RangeRate` measurements classes refer to a `GroundStation` instance (one instance shared by all
-measurements using this station) that itself is a 3-dimensional parameter representing the adjustable
-offset for station position. When station position offset is flagged to be estimated, the `BatchLSEstimator` will
-change its value at each iteration. The `Range` and `RangeRate` measurements theoretical values will therefore
-be computed naturally using the updated station position. Other parameters like biases or calibration factors
-are estimated using the same process.
+measurements using this station) that provides to the upper layer 3 parameters representing the East, North and
+Zenith offset for station position. If some station position offset is flagged to be estimated, the `BatchLSEstimator`
+will change its value at each new evaluation, without knowing what this change really involves underneath. As the
+parameters values are changed, the ground station will be notified of the change thanks to the `ParameterObserver`
+it did register to the parameters, and it moves its associated `TopocentricFrame` according to the updated offsets.
+The `Range` and `RangeRate` measurements theoretical values will therefore be computed naturally using the updated
+station position. Orbital parameters, propagation parameters and measurements parameters are all handled the same
+#### Parameters normalization
+Parameters normalization is used to present a more balanced vector to the least squares algorithm. Without normalization,
+the vector component corresponding to the semi-major axis would have an order of magnitude of a few millions whereas
+the vector component corresponding to the eccentricity would be 10 orders of magnitude smaller (assuming user decided
+to estimate an orbit in Keplerian parameters set). If central attraction coefficient were estimated, the discrepancy
+between the largest and smallest component could even reach 20 orders of magnitudes. Least squares optimizers do not
+handle such vectors properly. In order to cope with this problem, the mathematical least squares algorithm only sees
+normalized values for parameters, while the physical models see real values for the same parameters. The normalized
+value is always computed as:
+    normalized = (physical - reference) / scale
+The reference value and the scale are fixed. The scale is related to the expected excursion around reference that
+can be expected in a typical problem. It is not really important to have it precisely computed as the goal is only
+to avoid huge orders of magnitudes. Any scale that allows the normalized value to be somewhere between 1/1000 and 1000
+is good enough. For this reason, the scale is hard-coded for each parameter. In order to increase numerical stability,
+the hard-coded values are powers of 2 so sequences of multiplications and divisions when converting between normalized
+and physical values do not introduce computation errors. As an example, the scale factor for drag coefficient has
+been set to 2⁻³ whereas the scale factor for central attraction coefficient has been set to 2⁺³².
+#### Parameters bounds
+Some parameters values are forbidden and should not be used by the least squares estimator. Unfortunately, as of
+early 2016 the Hipparchus library does not support simple bounds constraints for these algorithms. There is
+however a workaround with parameters validator. Orekit uses this workaround and set up a validator for the full
+set of parameters. This validator checks the test values provided by the least squares solver are within the
+parameters bounds, and if not it simply force them at boundary, effectively clipping the values. Just like
+scaling factors, the minimum and maximum bounds are currently hard-coded in the library. The limits have been
+set to quite loose value, as they are only meant to prevent computation failures (like negative eccentricities
+or semi-major axes). If anyway the least squares algorithm tries such extreme values, there is probably a
+problem with either the measurements or the propagator configuration.