# The Orekit Python Wrapper
# The Orekit Python Wrapper
The Orekit python wrapper enables to use Orekit within a Python environment. This is done by creating a wrapper around the java library using the [JCC](http://lucene.apache.org/pylucene/jcc/) tool that provides a gateway between the java JVM and Python. The wrapped orekit will to a large extent behave like a Python module, with some caveats due to difference in architecture between Java and Python.
The Orekit python wrapper enables to use Orekit within a Python environment. This is done by creating a wrapper around the java library, making it accessible from Python and following a mix of pythonic and java ways of interacting.
_There are currently two different wrappers based on different wrapping tools, one based on JCC (the "classic" orekit python wrapper) and the wrapper based on jpype ("orekit_jpype"). The JCC wrapper is more feature complete but more complex, while the orekit_jpype is more similar to java, easier to use and can be installed with pip.
This repository is for the JCC "classic" version of the wrapper. The orekit_jpype version is located at [orekit_jpype repo](https://gitlab.orekit.org/orekit/orekit_jpype/-/tree/master)._
This JCC wrapper is made by creating a wrapper around the java library using the [JCC](http://lucene.apache.org/pylucene/jcc/) tool that provides a gateway between the java JVM and Python. The wrapped orekit will to a large extent behave like a Python module, with some caveats due to difference in architecture between Java and Python.
Using Orekit in Python provides access to a large number of Python libraries and an interactive environment, similar to tools like matlab and mathematica.
Using Orekit in Python provides access to a large number of Python libraries and an interactive environment, similar to tools like matlab and mathematica.
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