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  • Pallepup's avatar
    Preparing branch for release · 14dec69c
    Pallepup authored
    Fixed test tolerance
    Fixed checkstyle
    Fixed warnings during compilation time
    Formatting HTML file
    Updated CI/CD & Sonarqube
    Update deployment target following server migration
    Use external SSH executable rather than JSch
    Update deployment target following server migration
    Use external SSH executable rather than JSch
    Change SSH provider in Wagon plugin
    Adjusting the site deployment protocol
    Initially, the uri identifying the deployment target referred to the
    'scp:' protocol, but the Wagon SSH External plugin documentation seemed
    to indicate that it should point to the 'scpexe:' protocol. This doesn't
    work in the CI context.
    Signed-off-by: Sébastien Dinot's avatarSebastien Dinot <>
    Update CS GROUP website url
    Signed-off-by: Sébastien Dinot's avatarSebastien Dinot <>
    Rely on rsync to deploy Maven site
    Signed-off-by: Sébastien Dinot's avatarSebastien Dinot <>
    Specify the remote shell to use
    The last pipeline failed because rsync could not process the given url.
    Signed-off-by: Sébastien Dinot's avatarSebastien Dinot <>
    Fix syntax error in CI/CD script
    Temporary code added for deployment debugging purpose
    Temporary code added for deployment debugging purpose
    Temporary code added for deployment debugging purpose
    Temporary code added for deployment debugging purpose
    Remove temporary code
    SonarQube URL now provided by an env. variable
    The URL of the SonarQube instance on which the report is to be published
    is no longer hard-coded in the pom.xml file, but provided by the
    SONAR_HOST_URL environment variable.
    Signed-off-by: Sébastien Dinot's avatarSebastien Dinot <>
    Gitlab CI should wait the SonarQube analysis result
    Signed-off-by: Sébastien Dinot's avatarSebastien Dinot <>
    Update CI/CD build env
    Update of the compilation environment used by the CI/CD pipeline, to make it
    compatible with the requirements of the new SonarQube version.
    Signed-off-by: Sébastien Dinot's avatarSebastien Dinot <>
    Resolve merge conflict
    Fixed javadoc warnings
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