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Fixed issue #1052 : Error message when propagating state covariance expressed in Local Orbital Frame

Vincent CUCCHIETTI requested to merge vcucchie/orekit:issue-1052 into develop

Hey everyone,

Opening this merge request to close issue #1052 (closed). This issue was first mentioned in the following forum thread.

The "changeCovarianceType" method of the StateCovariance class can now returns a new identical StateCovariance instance if desired output OrbitType and PositionAngle are the same as the ones in the StateCovariance instance (plus handling of the special case for Cartesian orbit where the position angle does not matter).

Also and maybe most importantly, the StateCovarianceMatrixProvider now provides the propagated StateCovariance in the same frame/LOF as the initial StateCovariance so be careful.

Cheers, Vincent

Merge request reports