From 038bcb8a6e780e90e7cc0946ca44e89df38962e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonathan Guinet <>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2016 03:24:59 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] noisy measures update

 .../AffinagePleiades/    | 57 ++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/tutorials/java/AffinagePleiades/ b/src/tutorials/java/AffinagePleiades/
index aee2486e..38fdf886 100644
--- a/src/tutorials/java/AffinagePleiades/
+++ b/src/tutorials/java/AffinagePleiades/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import org.orekit.rugged.errors.RuggedException;
 import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
 import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
 import org.hipparchus.random.UncorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator;
-import org.hipparchus.random.UniformRandomGenerator;
+import org.hipparchus.random.GaussianRandomGenerator;
 import org.hipparchus.random.Well19937a;
 import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
 import org.orekit.bodies.GeodeticPoint;
@@ -90,19 +90,27 @@ public class MeasureGenerator {
-    public void CreateNoisyMeasure(final int lineSampling,final int pixelSampling)  throws RuggedException
+    public void CreateNoisyMeasure(final int lineSampling,final int pixelSampling, double [] pixErr,double [] altErr)  throws RuggedException
     	Vector3D latLongError = estimateLatLongError();
-    	double latError = FastMath.toRadians(latLongError.getX()); // in line: -0.000002 deg
-    	double lonError = FastMath.toRadians(latLongError.getY()); // in line: 0.000012 deg
-    	System.out.format("Corresponding error estimation on ground: {lat: %1.10f deg, lon: %1.10f deg} %n", latLongError.getX(), latLongError.getY());
+    	double latErrorMean = pixErr[0]*latLongError.getX(); // in line: -0.000002 deg
+    	double lonErrorMean = pixErr[2]*latLongError.getY(); // in line: 0.000012 deg
+    	double latErrorStd = pixErr[1]*latLongError.getX(); // in line: -0.000002 deg
+    	double lonErrorStd = pixErr[3]*latLongError.getY(); // in line: 0.000012 deg
+    	System.out.format("Corresponding error estimation on ground: {lat mean: %1.10f rad , lat stddev: %1.10f rad} %n",latErrorMean,latErrorStd);
+    	System.out.format("Corresponding error estimation on ground: {lon mean: %1.10f rad, lat stddev: %1.10f rad } %n",lonErrorMean,lonErrorStd);
+    	System.out.format("Corresponding error estimation on ground: {alt mean: %1.3f m, alt stddev: %1.3f m } %n",altErr[0], altErr[0]);
     	// Gaussian random generator
     	// Build a null mean random uncorrelated vector generator with standard deviation corresponding to the estimated error on ground
-    	double mean[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
-    	double std[] = {latError,lonError,0.0};
-    	UniformRandomGenerator rng = new UniformRandomGenerator(new Well19937a(0xefac03d9be4d24b9l));
+    	double mean[] =  {latErrorMean,lonErrorMean,altErr[0]};
+    	double std[] = {latErrorStd,lonErrorStd,altErr[1]};
+    	System.out.format(" mean : %1.10f %1.10f %1.10f %n",mean[0],mean[1],mean[2]);
+    	System.out.format(" std : %1.10f %1.10f %1.10f %n",std[0],std[1],std[2]);
+    	GaussianRandomGenerator rng = new GaussianRandomGenerator(new Well19937a(0xefac03d9be4d24b9l));
     	UncorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator rvg = new UncorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator(mean, std, rng);
     	System.out.format("Add a gaussian noise to measures without biais (null mean) and standard deviation corresponding to the estimated error on ground.%n");
@@ -119,13 +127,13 @@ public class MeasureGenerator {
         		GeodeticPoint gpNoisy = new GeodeticPoint(gp2.getLatitude()+vecRandom.getX(), 
-                        gp2.getAltitude()); // no altitude error introducing
+                        gp2.getAltitude()+vecRandom.getZ()); 
-        		/*if(line == 0) {
-        			System.out.format("Init  gp: (%f,%d): %s %n",line,pixel,gp2.toString());
-        			System.out.format("Random:   (%f,%d): %s %n",line,pixel,vecRandom.toString());
-        			System.out.format("Final gp: (%f,%d): %s %n",line,pixel,gpNoisy.toString());
-        		}*/
+        		//if(line == 0) {
+        		//	System.out.format("Init  gp: (%f,%d): %s %n",line,pixel,gp2.toString());
+        		//	System.out.format("Random:   (%f,%d): %s %n",line,pixel,vecRandom.toString());
+        		//	System.out.format("Final gp: (%f,%d): %s %n",line,pixel,gpNoisy.toString());
+        		//}
         		mapping.addMapping(new SensorPixel(line, pixel), gpNoisy);
@@ -135,13 +143,22 @@ public class MeasureGenerator {
     private Vector3D estimateLatLongError() throws RuggedException {
     	System.out.format("Uncertainty in pixel (in line) for a real geometric refining: 1 pixel (assumption)%n");
-    	double line=0;
-    	AbsoluteDate date = sensor.getDate(line);
-    	GeodeticPoint gp_pix0 = rugged.directLocation(date, sensor.getPosition(), sensor.getLOS(date, 0));
-    	GeodeticPoint gp_pix1 = rugged.directLocation(date, sensor.getPosition(), sensor.getLOS(date, 1));
-    	double latErr=FastMath.toDegrees(gp_pix0.getLatitude()-gp_pix1.getLatitude());
-		double lonErr=FastMath.toDegrees(gp_pix0.getLongitude()-gp_pix1.getLongitude());
+    	final int pix =sensor.getNbPixels()/2;
+    	final int line= (int) FastMath.floor(pix); // assumption : same number of line and pixels;
+    	System.out.format(" pixel size estimated at position  pix : %d line : %d %n", pix, line);
+    	final AbsoluteDate date = sensor.getDate(line);
+    	GeodeticPoint gp_pix0 = rugged.directLocation(date, sensor.getPosition(), sensor.getLOS(date, pix));
+    	final AbsoluteDate date1 = sensor.getDate(line+1);
+    	GeodeticPoint gp_pix1 = rugged.directLocation(date1, sensor.getPosition(), sensor.getLOS(date1, pix+1));
+    	double latErr=FastMath.abs(gp_pix0.getLatitude()-gp_pix1.getLatitude());
+		double lonErr=FastMath.abs(gp_pix0.getLongitude()-gp_pix1.getLongitude());
+    	double dist = FastMath.sqrt(lonErr*lonErr + latErr*latErr)/FastMath.sqrt(2);
+    	final double distanceX =  DistanceTools.computeDistanceRad(gp_pix0.getLongitude(), gp_pix0.getLatitude(),gp_pix1.getLongitude(), gp_pix0.getLatitude());
+    	final double distanceY =  DistanceTools.computeDistanceRad(gp_pix0.getLongitude(), gp_pix0.getLatitude(),gp_pix0.getLongitude(), gp_pix1.getLatitude());
+    	System.out.format(" estimated distance %3.3f %3.3f %n",distanceX, distanceY);
+    	//System.out.format(" lat  : %1.10f %1.10f %n",  latErr, lonErr);
     	return new Vector3D(latErr,lonErr,0.0);