package fr.cs.examples.estimation; import; import; import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate; import org.orekit.time.TimeScale; import org.orekit.time.TimeScalesFactory; import org.orekit.utils.Constants; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** Converter to convert the measured signal frequency to range-rate (in km/s) and to change MJD to the date in the ISO-8601 format. * @author Noel Janes */ public class DopplerRangeRateConverter { static double rRcalculator(String freq , double downlinkFreq, double c){ double f2 = Double.parseDouble(freq); double dopplerFreq = f2 - downlinkFreq; double rR = (-c) * (dopplerFreq / downlinkFreq); rR = rR/1000; return rR; } static AbsoluteDate mjdDate(String dateIn, TimeScale utc, AbsoluteDate mjdRefUTC){ double mjdDate = Double.parseDouble(dateIn); AbsoluteDate date = new AbsoluteDate(mjdRefUTC,mjdDate* Constants.JULIAN_DAY, utc); return date; } public static void main(String[] args) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); /* Configuring data loading */ File home = new File(System.getProperty("user.home")); File orekitData = new File(home, "orekit-data"); DataProvidersManager manager = DataProvidersManager.getInstance(); manager.addProvider(new DirectoryCrawler(orekitData)); /* Initial data path */ File pathDataIn = new File("C:\\Users\\nolja\\Documents\\ESA Socis\\Orbit Determination\\testing2\\42778"); /* Initialising an array of filenames in the input data folder */ String[] fileList = pathDataIn.list(); /* Output data path */ File pathDataOut = new File("C:\\Users\\nolja\\Documents\\ESA Socis\\Orbit Determination\\orbitdetermination\\satnogs-orbit-determination\\src\\main\\resources"); //int secDay = 24*60*60 ; // Calculates the seconds in a day, used to calculate seconds between mesaurements (which are given in MJD) double c = 2.998*Math.pow(10,8); // Speed of light double downlinkFreq = 1.45961 * Math.pow(10, 8); // The value of the downlink freq is taken from System.out.println("The downlink frequency is: " + downlinkFreq + "Hz"); /* Setting up the initial parameters that are to be passed to the file */ String measType = " RANGE_RATE"; //SString antennaID = " 39-CGBSAT-VHF "; TimeScale utc = TimeScalesFactory.getUTC(); AbsoluteDate mjdRefUTC = new AbsoluteDate(1858,11,17,utc); BufferedReader reader; for(String filename : fileList) { if(filename.endsWith(".dat")) { try { long tIn = System.currentTimeMillis(); /* Initialising the filereader */ reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(pathDataIn + "\\" + filename)); String line = reader.readLine(); /* Initialising the filewriter */ BufferedWriter bw = null; File file = new File(pathDataOut + "\\" + filename); /* This logic will make sure that the file * gets created if it is not present at the * specified location*/ if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file); bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); System.out.println("Finished the initial setup for file: " + filename); while (line != null) { String[] columns = line.split(" "); line = reader.readLine(); // Required to prevent the same line being run an infite number of times if(filename.startsWith("2019-06-11T19")){ String antennaID = " 39-CGBSAT-VHF-P1 "; String outputline = mjdDate(columns[0],utc,mjdRefUTC) + measType + antennaID + rRcalculator(columns[1],downlinkFreq,c) + "\n"; bw.write(outputline); } else if (filename.startsWith("2019-06-11T21")){ String antennaID = " 39-CGBSAT-VHF-P2 "; String outputline = mjdDate(columns[0],utc,mjdRefUTC) + measType + antennaID + rRcalculator(columns[1],downlinkFreq,c) + "\n"; bw.write(outputline); } else { String antennaID = " 39-CGBSAT-VHF "; String outputline = mjdDate(columns[0],utc,mjdRefUTC) + measType + antennaID + rRcalculator(columns[1],downlinkFreq,c) + "\n"; bw.write(outputline); } } /* Closing the buffered writer */ try { if (bw != null) bw.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error in closing the BufferedWriter" + ex); reader.close(); } /* Calculating the time taken for this file to be converted */ long tOut = System.currentTimeMillis(); double tTaken = 0.001 * (tOut - tIn); System.out.println("Conversion of file:" + filename + " completed in: " + tTaken + "s"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { break; } } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("All files have been converted \n" + "Total time taken is: " + 0.001*(endTime-startTime)+"s"); } }