Luc Maisonobe authoredLuc Maisonobe authored
BUILDING.txt 1.39 KiB
Rugged can be built from source either using maven 3 or eclipse.
Building with Maven 3:
- Maven 3 can be downloaded here:
- If you are behind a proxy (which is a traditional
setting in a corporate environment), then you need
to configure maven to use it. This is explained
in the maven documentation here:
- run "mvn package" to automatically download all
the required dependencies listed in the pom.xml file
and create a file named target/rugged-x.y.jar where
x.y is the version number
Building with Eclipse:
- Eclipse can be downloaded here:
- extract the rugged source jar in your eclipse workspace
- create a new java project from existing sources and direct
Eclipse to the directory where you unpacked Rugged
- set the source folders to rugged/src/main/java,
rugged/src/main/resources, rugged/src/test/java,
rugged/src/test/resources in
the source tab of the Configure Build Path dialog
- set the external libraries to JRE system library (provided by Eclipse),
Junit 4.x (provided by Eclipse) orekit (available at Orekit website
https://www.orekit.org/) and Hipparchus (available at
Hipparchus project downloads page https://www.hipparchus.org/downloads.html)
in the libraries tab of the Configure Build Path dialog