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Commit 1b770b4b authored by Luc Maisonobe's avatar Luc Maisonobe
Browse files

Updated UML diagrams.

parent 4962e2b7
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......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
package org.orekit.rugged #ECEBD8 {
package api #DDEBD8 {
package raster #DDEBD8 {
interface UpdatableTile {
+setGeometry(φ₀, λ₀, δφ, δλ, rows, columns)
+setElevation(i, j, h)
......@@ -36,9 +36,7 @@
+updateTile(φ, λ, UpdatableTile)
TileUpdater --> UpdatableTile : updates
package raster #DDEBD8 {
interface "TileFactory<T extends Tile>" as TileFactory_T_ {
+T createTile()
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
skinparam NoteBorderColor #691616
skinparam NoteFontColor #691616
skinparam SequenceActorBorderColor #6A584B
skinparam SequenceActorBackgroundColor #F3EFEB/CCC9C5
skinparam SequenceParticipantBackgroundColor #F3EFEB/CCC9C5
skinparam SequenceParticipantBorderColor #6A584B
skinparam SequenceLifeLineBackgroundColor #CCC9C5/F3EFEB
......@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@
hide footbox
participant "UserMain" as A
actor "UserMain" as A
participant "Rugged" as R
participant "LineSensor" as LS
participant "SpacecraftToObservedBody" as S
......@@ -20,34 +20,50 @@
skinparam NoteBackgroundColor #F3EFEB
skinparam NoteBorderColor #691616
skinparam NoteFontColor #691616
skinparam SequenceActorBorderColor #6A584B
skinparam SequenceParticipantBackgroundColor #F3EFEB/CCC9C5
skinparam SequenceParticipantBorderColor #6A584B
skinparam SequenceLifeLineBackgroundColor #CCC9C5/F3EFEB
skinparam SequenceLifeLineBorderColor #6A584B
skinparam SequenceArrowColor #6A584B
skinparam SequenceBorderColor #6A584B
skinparam SequenceFontSize 11
skinparam ActivityStartColor #6A584B
skinparam ActivityEndColor #6A584B
skinparam ActivityBarColor #6A584B
skinparam ActivityBorderColor #691616
skinparam ActivityBackgroundColor #F3EFEB/CCC9C5
skinparam ActivityArrowColor #691616
skinparam ActivityFontSize 11
hide footbox
participant "Caller" as C
participant "Rugged" as R
participant "Orekit" as O
activate C
C -> R : compute geometry at date
activate R
R -> O : interpolate(date)
activate O
O --> R : orbite/attitude
deactivate O
R -> O : getTransform(date)
activate O
O --> R : Earth to inertial transform
deactivate O
R --> C : spacecraft to inertial, inertial to Earth
deactivate R
deactivate C
if (recursion depth > 30) then (yes)
: search failed;
if (start and end point on same pixel) then (yes)
: return pixel intersection;
: compute kd-tree deepest level\ncontaining both start and end points;
if (compare segment and sub-tile maximum elevation) then (fully above)
: return null;
note right
when the line-of-sight segment is fully above
Digital Elevation Model, we can safely reject
it and proceed to next segment
end note
:previous ← start;
: crossings ← line-of-sight segment crossings of next level sub-tiles;
note right
crossings can be computed either
using flat body hypothesis
or taking curvature into account
end note
:intersection ← recurse(previous, crossing);
if (found intersection?) then (yes)
: return intersection;
:previous ← crossing;
repeat while (more crossings?)
:intersection ← recurse(previous, end);
: return intersection;
' Copyright 2013-2014 CS Systèmes d'Information
' Licensed to CS Systèmes d'Information (CS) under one or more
' contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
' this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
' CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
' (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
' the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
' distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
' See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
' limitations under the License.
skinparam svek true
skinparam NoteBackgroundColor #F3EFEB
skinparam NoteBorderColor #691616
skinparam NoteFontColor #691616
skinparam ActivityStartColor #6A584B
skinparam ActivityEndColor #6A584B
skinparam ActivityBarColor #6A584B
skinparam ActivityBorderColor #691616
skinparam ActivityBackgroundColor #F3EFEB/CCC9C5
skinparam ActivityArrowColor #691616
skinparam ActivityFontSize 11
: gp₀ ← point at altitude 0;
: select tile containing gp₀;
: current point ← null;
: hmax ← tile maximum elevation;
while (current point is null)
: entry ← point at altitude hmax;
if (locate entry point) then (in selected tile)
else (outside of selected tile)
: select tile containing entry point;
: hmax ← max(hmax, tile maximum elevation);
: current point ← null;
: exit ← line-of-sight exit point from tile;
: intersection ← Duvenhage(current, exit);
if (found intersection?) then (yes)
: return intersection;
if (tile exited at side?) then (no)
: searching ← false;
else (yes)
: forward point ← point slightly after exit point;
: select tile containing forward point;
if (DEM traversed between\ncurrent and forward points) then (yes)
: return current point;
note right
extremely rare case!
end note
: current point ← forward point;
repeat while (searching ?)
:search failed;
note left
this should never happen
end note
......@@ -27,11 +27,23 @@
package orekit #ECEBD8 {
class OneAxisEllipsoid
class Frame
class PVCoordinatesProvider
class Frame
class AttitudeProvider
package mission.specific #C4D2C5 {
class UserMain #D5E0D5/E2EBE2
note top #E2EBE2
user configures Rugged either by
selecting from a few predefined
choices or by directly building
Orekit objects
end note
class MissionSpecificDEM #D5E0D5/E2EBE2
MissionSpecificDEM <-left- UserMain : creates
package rugged #ECEBD8 {
package utils #DDEBD8 {
......@@ -46,7 +58,16 @@
package raster #DDEBD8 {
interface TileUpdater
package api #DDEBD8 {
class Rugged {
enum AlgorithmId {
......@@ -71,33 +92,21 @@
class Rugged {
class LineSensor
ExtendedEllipsoid "1" <--o Rugged
SpacecraftToObservedBody "1" <--o Rugged
Rugged o--> "*" LineSensor
Rugged --> AlgorithmId
Rugged --> EllipsoidId
Rugged --> BodyRotatingFrameId
Rugged --> InertialFrameId
UserMain --> LineSensor : creates
MissionSpecificDEM --|> TileUpdater
UserMain --> Rugged : configures
package mission.specific #C4D2C5 {
class UserMain #D5E0D5/E2EBE2
AlgorithmId <-- UserMain : selects
EllipsoidId <-- UserMain : selects
BodyRotatingFrameId <-- UserMain : selects
InertialFrameId <-- UserMain : selects
LineSensor <-- UserMain : creates
Rugged <-- UserMain : configures
note as N1 #E2EBE2
user configures Rugged either by
selecting from a few predefined
choices or by directly building
Orekit objects
end note
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
skinparam NoteBorderColor #691616
skinparam NoteFontColor #691616
skinparam SequenceActorBorderColor #6A584B
skinparam SequenceActorBackgroundColor #F3EFEB/CCC9C5
skinparam SequenceParticipantBackgroundColor #F3EFEB/CCC9C5
skinparam SequenceParticipantBorderColor #6A584B
skinparam SequenceLifeLineBackgroundColor #CCC9C5/F3EFEB
......@@ -31,41 +32,53 @@
hide footbox
participant "Application" as A
participant "Interface" as I
actor "UserMain" as A
participant "MissionSpecificDEM" as B
participant "Rugged" as R
participant "ExtendedEllipsoid" as E
participant "SpacecraftToObservedBody" as S
participant "LineSensor" as LS
participant "Orekit" as O
activate A
A -> I : init
activate I
I -> I : loadModels
I -> I : unfoldOpticalPath
activate I
deactivate I
I -> R : setGeneralContext(algorithm, frames, ellipsoid, ephemeris)
activate R
R -> O : createInterpolator(ephemeris)
activate O
O --> R : interpolating propagator
deactivate O
R -> R : createTransformProvider(interpolator)
activate R
deactivate R
deactivate R
I -> R : setLineSensor(sensorName, pixels, datationModel)
activate R
deactivate R
I -> R : setLineSensor(sensorName, pixels, datationModel)
activate R
deactivate R
I -> R : setLineSensor(sensorName, pixels, datationModel)
activate R
deactivate R
I -> R : setUpTilesManagement(tileUpdater, maxCachedTiles)
activate R
deactivate R
deactivate I
A -> A : loadModels
A -> B : create
activate B
deactivate B
A -> A : unfoldOpticalPath
activate A
deactivate A
A -> R : create(DEM, algorithm, frames, ellipsoid, ephemeris)
activate R
R -> E : create
activate E
deactivate E
R -> O : createProviders(ephemeris)
activate O
O --> R : position/velocity/atttitude providers
deactivate O
R -> S : create
activate S
deactivate S
deactivate R
A -> LS : create
activate LS
deactivate LS
A -> R : addLineSensor
activate R
deactivate R
A -> LS : create
activate LS
deactivate LS
A -> R : addLineSensor
activate R
deactivate R
A -> LS : create
activate LS
deactivate LS
A -> R : addLineSensor
activate R
deactivate R
deactivate A
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
skinparam NoteBorderColor #691616
skinparam NoteFontColor #691616
skinparam SequenceActorBorderColor #6A584B
skinparam SequenceActorBackgroundColor #F3EFEB/CCC9C5
skinparam SequenceParticipantBackgroundColor #F3EFEB/CCC9C5
skinparam SequenceParticipantBorderColor #6A584B
skinparam SequenceLifeLineBackgroundColor #CCC9C5/F3EFEB
......@@ -31,57 +32,66 @@
hide footbox
participant "Application" as A
participant "Interface" as I
actor "UserMain" as A
participant "Rugged" as R
participant "Orekit" as O
participant "SensorMeanPlaneCrossing" as P
participant "SensorPixelCrossing" as X
participant "SpacecraftToObservedBody" as S
participant "ExtendedEllipsoid" as E
participant "Transform" as T
participant "Math" as M
activate A
A -> I : inverseLocalization(φ, λ)
activate I
I -> R : inverseLocalization(φ, λ)
activate R
R -> R : elevation(φ, λ)
activate R
R -> I : DEM callback
I --> R : DEM raw data cell
R --> R : h(φ, λ)
deactivate R
R -> O : convert(ellipsoid, φ, λ, h)
activate O
O --> R : P(φ, λ, h) in Earth frame
deactivate O
R -> R : createSwathOffset(P, interpolator)
activate R
R --> R : function f(t)
deactivate R
R -> M : solve f(t₀) = 0
activate M
M --> R : evaluate f(t)
activate R
R -> R : apply combined transform provider at date
R --> M : f(t)
deactivate R
M --> R : evaluate f(t)
activate R
R -> R : apply combined transform provider at date
R --> M : f(t)
deactivate R
M --> R : evaluate f(t)
activate R
R -> R : apply combined transform provider at date
R --> M : f(t)
deactivate R
M --> R : t₀
deactivate M
R -> R : apply combined transform provider at date
R -> R : apply inverse time stamping model
R -> R : locate pixel in line for solved geometry
R --> I : pixel coordinates
deactivate R
I --> A : pixel coordinates
deactivate I
A -> R : inverseLocalization
activate R
R -> P : getMeanPlaneFinder
activate P
P -> S : getTransform(each line)
note left
transforms are computed
only once and reused
across successive inverse
localization calls
end note
activate S
S -> T : create
activate T
deactivate T
deactivate S
deactivate P
R -> E : transform(φ, λ, h)
activate E
E --> R : x, y, z
deactivate E
R -> P : findCrossing(ground target)
activate P
P -> T : interpolate
activate T
deactivate T
note left
algorithm converges
in 2 or 3 iterations
end note
P -> T : interpolate
activate T
deactivate T
P --> R : target direction at mean plane crossing\n(with time derivative)
deactivate P
R -> X : create(target direction at crossing time)
activate X
deactivate X
R -> X : locatePixel
activate X
X -> M : solve f(x) = 0
activate M
M --> X : x₀
deactivate M
X --> R : coarse pixel crossing
deactivate X
R -> R : fix line, considering closest pixel position
R -> R : fix pixel
R --> A : accurate line/pixel
deactivate R
deactivate A
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