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Mélina Vanel authored
inverse optical location vectorisation

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A sensor-to-terrain mapping tool

Rugged is a free java library for geolocation and used for satellite imagery.

Rugged is an add-on for Orekit handling Digital Elevation Models contribution to line of sight computation. It is a free software intermediate-level library written in Java.

It mainly provides direct and inverse location, i.e. it allows to compute accurately which ground point is looked at from a specific pixel in a spacecraft instrument, and conversely which pixel will see a specified ground point. This mapping between ground and sensor is computed with a viewing model taking into account:

  • ground Digital Elevation Model (DEM),
  • Earth rotation will all its tiny irregularities,
  • on-board sensor pixels individual line-of-sights,
  • spacecraft motion and attitude,
  • several physical effects.

Direct and inverse location can be used to perform full ortho-rectification of images and correlation between sensors observing the same area.


Official releases

Official Rugged releases are available on our Gitlab instance. They are also available in the Maven repository.

Development version

To get the latest development version, please clone our official repository and checkout the develop branch:

git clone -b develop

Note: Our official repository is mirrored on Github.


Project overview, architecture and development, detailed features list, Javadoc and a lot of other information is available on the Maven site.

Getting help

The main communication channel is our forum. You can report bugs and suggest new features in our issues tracking system. When reporting security issues check the "This issue is confidential" box.


Please take a look at our contributing guidelines if you're interested in helping!


Detailed information on how to build Rugged from source either using Maven or Eclipse is provided in building explanations.


Rugged relies on the following FOSS libraries, all released under business friendly FOSS licenses.

Compile-time/run-time dependencies

  • Orekit, a low level space dynamics library released under the Apache License, version 2.0.

  • Hipparchus, a mathematics library released under the Apache License, version 2.0.

Test-time dependencies

  • JUnit 4, a widely used unit test framework released under the Eclipse Public License, version 1.0.

More detailed information is available in the Maven site.


Rugged is licensed by CS GROUP under the Apache License, version 2.0. A copy of this license is provided in the LICENSE.txt file.