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Xavier Gibert
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Xavier Gibert
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var container, scene, camera, renderer, controls, stats, light, delta;
var sun, sunGlow, sunLight, lineSun, spriteSun, contextSun;
var earth, contextEarth, lineEarth, spriteEarth;
var plane_orb, incl_arc, incl_offset, spriteInclination, contextInclination;
Xavier Gibert
//var keyboard = new THREEx.KeyboardState();
var spacecraft, arrow_vel, arrow_accel, arrow_momentum, target_a, vector_a, direction_a;
var long_arc, lat_arc, long_sprite, lat_sprite, lat_offset;
Xavier Gibert
var fontsizeSun, borderColorSun, borderThicknessSun, backgroundColorSun, fontColorSun, mat_arc;
var fontsizeEarth, borderColorEarth, borderThicknessEarth, backgroundColorEarth, fontColorEarth;
var fontsizeInclination, borderColorInclination, borderThicknessInclination, backgroundColorInclination, fontColorInclination;
var fontsizeLongitude, borderColorLongitude, borderThicknessLongitude, backgroundColorLongitude, fontColorLongitude;
var fontsizeLatitude, borderColorLatitude, borderThicknessLatitude, backgroundColorLatitude, fontColorLatitude;
var miniSphereX,miniSphereXX,miniSphereY,miniSphereYY,miniSphereZ,miniSphereZZ;
// SCENE PARAMS (Hard-coded parameters)
var canvas_mode = false;
var cam_init_pos = new THREE.Vector3(300,300,300);
var cam_view_angle = 25;
var cam_rend_near = 0.1;
var cam_rend_far = 20000;
var sphere_radius = 100;
var miniSphere_radius = 5;
var miniSphere_margin = 4;
var torus_radius = sphere_radius;
var torus_tube = 0.5;
var init_sc_dir_xyz = new THREE.Vector3(-0.577,0.577,-0.577);
var init_sc_up_xyz = new THREE.Vector3(0.577,0.577,0.577);
var init_sc_dir_rear = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,-1);
var init_sc_up_rear = new THREE.Vector3(0,1,0);
var init_sc_dir_front = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,1);
var init_sc_up_front = new THREE.Vector3(0,1,0);
var init_sc_dir_top = new THREE.Vector3(0,1,0);
var init_sc_up_top = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,1);
var init_sc_dir_bottom = new THREE.Vector3(0,-1,0);
var init_sc_up_bottom = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,1);
var init_sc_dir_left = new THREE.Vector3(1,0,0);
var init_sc_up_left = new THREE.Vector3(0,1,0);
var init_sc_dir_right = new THREE.Vector3(-1,0,0);
var init_sc_up_right = new THREE.Vector3(0,1,0);
var sc_body_color = 0xDDDDDD;
var sc_window_color = 0x00d4ff;
var sc_engine_color = 0x545454;
var sc_eng_solid_color = 0x5d00ff;//For when not using texture
var sun_radius = 5;
var sun_solid_color = 0xffb600 ;//For when not using textures
var sun_obj_dist = sphere_radius + 10;
var earth_radius = 8;
var earth_solid_color = 0x00bfff ;//For when not using textures
var earth_obj_dist = sphere_radius + earth_radius;
var planes_width = sphere_radius+earth_radius*2;
var plane_theta_seg = 30;
var plane_phi_seg = 10;
var arc_radius = sphere_radius+earth_radius*2;
var arc_sphcoord_radius = 3*sphere_radius/4;
var arc_sprite_radius = arc_radius+3;
var arc_tube = 0.5;
var arc_color = 0xFFFF00;
var arrow_head_length = 9;
var arrow_head_width = 5;
var arrow_max_length = sphere_radius;
var target_head_length = 2;
var target_head_width = 1;
var target_length = sphere_radius + target_head_width;
var momentum_head_length = 8;
var momentum_head_width = 7;
Xavier Gibert
var auto_rotate_sc = false;// If true, it ignores the simulator attitude and rotates the spacecraft.
// PERFORMANCE VALUES (Set at initialization)
var show_fps = true;//Show FPS stats in Android
var fps_update_skips = 60;
var show_mini_spheres = true;
var show_circles = true;
var show_axis = true;
var show_axis_labels = true;
Xavier Gibert
var show_planes = false;//XGGDEBUG UNUSED
var show_orbital_plane = false;
var plane_xy_color = 0xff0094;
var plane_orb_color = 0x65ff00;
var show_inclination = true;// depends on show_planes, called: show orbit-xy planes
var show_spheric_coords = false;
var spheric_coords_selection = "Earth";//Any of the basic indicators except for the attitude
var show_vectors_angle = false;
var vectors_angle_sel1 = "Earth";
var vectors_angle_sel2 = "Velocity";
//Removed due to inconsistency if S/C doesn't exist
//var show_spacecraft = true;//If set to false, instead of a S/C it will be a miniSphere in the reference position.
var sc_show_eng_texture = true;
var show_sun = true;
var sun_rotates = true;
var sun_rotation_speed = 5;//Rotation speed multiplier [0->9]
var sun_simple_glow = true;//Recomended to not use the shader glow, problems in android
var sun_show_line = true;
var sun_show_dist = true;
var show_earth = true;
var earth_rotates = true;
var earth_rotation_speed = 2;//Rotation speed multiplier [0->9]
var earth_show_line = true;
var earth_show_dist = true;
var show_velocity = true;
var color_velocity = 0x001dff;
var limit_velocity = 10; //Km/s value corresponding to the full length arrow (touching the sphere)
var show_acceleration = true;
var color_acceleration = 0xfc00b0;
var limit_acceleration = 5; //Km/s2 value corresponding to the full length arrow (touching the sphere)
var show_momentum = true;
var color_momentum = 0x00fc19;
var value_target_a = new THREE.Vector3(-5,-5,-5); // direction --> will be normalized
var show_vector_a = false;
var color_vector_a = 0x00fffa;
var limit_vector_a = 25; //In the same units as the provided values
var value_vector_a = new THREE.Vector3(-7,-5,-5); // will be normalized with its limit
var color_direction_a = 0xffff00;
var value_direction_a = new THREE.Vector3(-5,-5,-7); // direction --> will be normalized
var performance_level = 3;//1: VeryLow, 2: Low, 3: Normal, 4: High, 5: VeryHigh, 6: Ultra ...;
getInitialization();//If used in Android, update the init params with the Android configuration
// Segments
var segments_scale = performance_level;//Multiply segments of all geometries:
var sc_body_segments = 8 * segments_scale;
var sc_window_segments = 10 * segments_scale;
var sc_engine_segments = 10 * segments_scale;
var sc_eng_disk_segments = sc_engine_segments;
var sun_seg = 10 * segments_scale;
var earth_seg = 12 * segments_scale;
var sphere_segments = 20 * segments_scale;
var miniSphere_seg = 7 * segments_scale;
var torus_seg_r = 4 * segments_scale;
var torus_seg_t = 32 * segments_scale;
Xavier Gibert
var arc_seg_r = 4 * segments_scale;
var arc_seg_t = 32 * segments_scale;
var arrow_segments = 4 * segments_scale;
var momentum_segments = 4 * segments_scale;
var target_segments = 8 * segments_scale;
// DYNAMIC VALUES (Updated at each cycle)
var value_attitude = new THREE.Quaternion(0,0,0,1);
var value_sun = new THREE.Vector3(-1.1414775124432093E7,-1.464188429948789E8,7716114.240559303); //Km
var value_earth = new THREE.Vector3(7.337791634217176E-12,42164.0,-2.010800849831316E-12); //Km
var value_velocity = new THREE.Vector3(2.83195518282009,-5.49945264687097E-16,-1.1973314470667253); //Km/s
var value_acceleration = new THREE.Vector3(-4.517719883627554E-4,0.22420886513859567,1.9100613309698625E-4); //Km/s2
var value_momentum = new THREE.Vector3(5.048428313412141E10,-3.091270787372526E-6,1.1940655832842628E11); // direction --> will be normalized
function animate()
requestAnimationFrame( animate );