* Licensed to CS Systèmes d'Information (CS) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collections;
import org.hipparchus.optim.nonlinear.vector.leastsquares.LeastSquaresOptimizer.Optimum;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitExceptionWrapper;
import org.orekit.rugged.adjustment.AdjustmentContext;
import org.orekit.rugged.api.Rugged;
import org.orekit.rugged.errors.RuggedException;
import org.orekit.rugged.adjustment.measurements.Observables;
import org.orekit.rugged.adjustment.measurements.SensorToGroundMapping;
import org.orekit.rugged.adjustment.measurements.SensorToSensorMapping;
import RefiningPleiades.generators.GroundMeasurementGenerator;
import RefiningPleiades.generators.InterMeasurementGenerator;
import RefiningPleiades.generators.Noise;
import RefiningPleiades.metrics.LocalisationMetrics;
* @author Jonathan Guinet
* @author Lucie Labat-Allee
* @see SensorToGroundMapping
* @see SensorToSensorMapping
* @see GroundMeasurementGenerator
* @see InterMeasurementGenerator
public class Refining {
/** Apply disruptions on acquisition for roll, pitch and scale factor
* @param rugged Rugged instance
* @param sensorName line sensor name
* @param rollValue rotation on roll value
* @param pitchValue rotation on pitch value
* @param factorValue scale factor
public void applyDisruptions(final Rugged rugged, final String sensorName,
final double rollValue, final double pitchValue, final double factorValue)
final String commonFactorName = "factor";
filter(driver -> driver.getName().equals(sensorName+"_roll")).
filter(driver -> driver.getName().equals(sensorName+"_pitch")).
filter(driver -> driver.getName().equals(commonFactorName)).
/** Generate measurements without noise (sensor to ground mapping)
* @param lineSampling line sampling
* @param pixelSampling pixel sampling
* @param rugged Rugged instance
* @param sensorName line sensor name
* @return ground measurements generator (sensor to ground mapping)
public GroundMeasurementGenerator generatePoints(final int lineSampling, final int pixelSampling,
final Rugged rugged, final String sensorName,
final int dimension) throws RuggedException {
GroundMeasurementGenerator measurements = new GroundMeasurementGenerator(rugged, sensorName, dimension);
System.out.format("\n**** Generate measurements (without noise; sensor to ground mapping) **** %n");
// Generation measurements without noise
measurements.createMeasurement(lineSampling, pixelSampling);
System.out.format("Number of tie points generated: %d %n", measurements.getMeasurementCount());
return measurements;
/** Generate measurements without noise (sensor to sensor mapping)
* @param lineSampling line sampling
* @param pixelSampling pixel sampling
* @param ruggedA Rugged instance of acquisition A
* @param sensorNameA line sensor name A
* @param ruggedB Rugged instance of acquisition B
* @param sensorNameB line sensor name B
* @param dimensionB dimension for acquisition B
* @return inter measurements generator (sensor to sensor mapping)
public InterMeasurementGenerator generatePoints(final int lineSampling, final int pixelSampling,
final Rugged ruggedA, final String sensorNameA, final int dimensionA,
final Rugged ruggedB, final String sensorNameB, final int dimensionB)
throws RuggedException {
// Outliers control
final double outlierValue = 1e+2;
// Earth constraint weight
final double earthConstraintWeight = 0.1;
// Generate measurements with constraints on outliers control and Earth distance
InterMeasurementGenerator measurements = new InterMeasurementGenerator(ruggedA, sensorNameA, dimensionA,
ruggedB, sensorNameB, dimensionB,
System.out.format("\n**** Generate measurements (without noise; sensor to sensor mapping) **** %n");
// Generation measurements without noise
measurements.createMeasurement(lineSampling, pixelSampling);
System.out.format("Number of tie points generated: %d %n", measurements.getMeasurementCount());
return measurements;
* @param lineSampling line sampling
* @param pixelSampling pixel sampling
* @param rugged Rugged instance
* @param sensorName line sensor name
* @param dimension dimension
* @param noise Noise structure to generate noisy measurements
* @return ground measurements generator (sensor to ground mapping)
public GroundMeasurementGenerator generateNoisyPoints(final int lineSampling, final int pixelSampling,
final Rugged rugged, final String sensorName, final int dimension,
final Noise noise) throws RuggedException {
// Generate ground measurements
GroundMeasurementGenerator measurements = new GroundMeasurementGenerator(rugged, sensorName, dimension);
System.out.format("\n**** Generate noisy measurements (sensor to ground mapping) **** %n");
// Generate noisy measurements
measurements.createNoisyMeasurement(lineSampling, pixelSampling, noise);
System.out.format("Number of tie points generated: %d %n", measurements.getMeasurementCount());
return measurements;
* @param lineSampling line sampling
* @param pixelSampling pixel sampling
* @param ruggedA Rugged instance of acquisition A
* @param sensorNameA line sensor name A
* @param dimensionA dimension for acquisition A
* @param ruggedB Rugged instance of acquisition B
* @param sensorNameB line sensor name B
* @param dimensionB dimension for acquisition B
* @param noise noise structure to generate noisy measurements
* @return inter-measurements generator (sensor to sensor mapping)
public InterMeasurementGenerator generateNoisyPoints(final int lineSampling, final int pixelSampling,
final Rugged ruggedA, final String sensorNameA, final int dimensionA,
final Rugged ruggedB, final String sensorNameB, final int dimensionB,
final Noise noise) throws RuggedException {
final double outlierValue = 1.e+2;
final double earthConstraintWeight = 0.1;
// Generate measurements with constraints on Earth distance and outliers control
InterMeasurementGenerator measurements = new InterMeasurementGenerator(ruggedA, sensorNameA, dimensionA,
ruggedB, sensorNameB, dimensionB,
System.out.format("\n**** Generate noisy measurements (sensor to sensor mapping) **** %n");
// Generation noisy measurements
measurements.createNoisyMeasurement(lineSampling, pixelSampling, noise);
System.out.format("Number of tie points generated: %d %n", measurements.getMeasurementCount());
return measurements;
/** Compute metrics to evaluate geometric performances in location,
* for fulcrum points study.
* @param groundMapping sensor to ground mapping
* @param rugged Rugged instance
* @param unit flag to know if distance is computed in meters (false) or with angular (true)
public void computeMetrics(final SensorToGroundMapping groundMapping,
final Rugged rugged, final boolean unit) throws RuggedException {
if(unit) {
} else {
LocalisationMetrics residuals = new LocalisationMetrics(groundMapping, rugged, unit);
System.out.format("Max: %3.4e Mean: %3.4e %s%n",residuals.getMaxResidual(),residuals.getMeanResidual(), stUnit);
/** Compute metrics to evaluate geometric performances in location,
* for liaison points study.
* @param interMapping sensor to sensor mapping
* @param ruggedA Rugged instance A
* @param ruggedB Rugged instance B
* @param unit flag to know if distance is computed in meters (false) or with angular (true)
public void computeMetrics(final SensorToSensorMapping interMapping,
final Rugged ruggedA, final Rugged ruggedB,
final boolean unit) throws RuggedException {
String stUnit = null;
if(unit) stUnit="degrees";
else stUnit="meters";
LocalisationMetrics residuals = new LocalisationMetrics(interMapping, ruggedA, ruggedB, unit);
System.out.format("Max: %1.4e Mean: %1.4e %s%n",residuals.getMaxResidual(),residuals.getMeanResidual(), stUnit);
System.out.format("LOS distance Max: %1.4e Mean: %1.4e %s%n",residuals.getLosMaxDistance(),residuals.getLosMeanDistance(), stUnit);
System.out.format("Earth distance Max: %1.4e Mean: %1.4e %s%n",residuals.getEarthMaxDistance(),residuals.getEarthMeanDistance(), stUnit);
/** Reset a model
* @param rugged Rugged instance
* @param sensorName line sensor name
* @param isSelected flag to known if factor parameter is selected or not
public void resetModel(final Rugged rugged, final String sensorName, final boolean isSelected) throws RuggedException {
final String commonFactorName = "factor";
filter(driver -> driver.getName().equals(sensorName+"_roll")
|| driver.getName().equals(sensorName+"_pitch")).
forEach(driver -> {
try {
} catch (OrekitException e) {
throw new OrekitExceptionWrapper(e);
filter(driver -> driver.getName().equals(commonFactorName)).
forEach(driver -> {
try {
// default value: no Z scale factor applied
} catch (OrekitException e) {
throw new OrekitExceptionWrapper(e);
/** Start optimization to adjust parameters (fulcrum points study).
* @param maxIterations iterations max
* @param convergenceThreshold threshold of convergence
* @param measurements ground measurements
* @param rugged Rugged instance
public void optimization(final int maxIterations, final double convergenceThreshold,
final Observables measurements, final Rugged rugged) throws RuggedException {
System.out.format("Iterations max: %d\tconvergence threshold: %3.6e \n", maxIterations, convergenceThreshold);
AdjustmentContext adjustmentContext = new AdjustmentContext(Collections.singletonList(rugged), measurements);
Optimum optimum = adjustmentContext.estimateFreeParameters(Collections.singletonList(rugged.getName()), maxIterations, convergenceThreshold);
System.out.format("Max value: %3.6e %n", optimum.getResiduals().getMaxValue());
System.out.format("Optimization performed in %d iterations \n", optimum.getEvaluations());
System.out.format("RMSE: %f \n", optimum.getRMS());
/** Start optimization to adjust parameters (liaison points study).
* @param maxIterations iterations max
* @param convergenceThreshold threshold of convergence
* @param measurements measurements
public void optimization(final int maxIterations, final double convergenceThreshold,
final Observables measurements,
final Collection<Rugged> ruggeds) throws RuggedException {
System.out.format("Iterations max: %d\tconvergence threshold: %3.6e \n", maxIterations, convergenceThreshold);
throw new RuggedException(RuggedMessages.UNSUPPORTED_REFINING_CONTEXT,ruggeds.size());
AdjustmentContext adjustmentContext = new AdjustmentContext(ruggeds, measurements);
List<String> ruggedNameList = new ArrayList<String>();
for(Rugged rugged : ruggeds) {
Optimum optimum = adjustmentContext.estimateFreeParameters(ruggedNameList, maxIterations, convergenceThreshold);
System.out.format("Max value: %3.6e %n", optimum.getResiduals().getMaxValue());
System.out.format("Optimization performed in %d iterations \n", optimum.getEvaluations());
System.out.format("RMSE: %f \n", optimum.getRMS());
/** Check adjusted parameters of an acquisition
* @param rugged Rugged instance
* @param sensorName line sensor name
* @param rollValue rotation on roll value
* @param pitchValue rotation on pitch value
* @param factorValue scale factor
public void paramsEstimation(final Rugged rugged, final String sensorName,
final double rollValue, final double pitchValue, final double factorValue)
// Estimate Roll
double estimatedRoll = rugged.getLineSensor(sensorName).
filter(driver -> driver.getName().equals(sensorName+"_roll")).
double rollError = (estimatedRoll - rollValue);
System.out.format("Estimated roll: %3.5f\troll error: %3.6e %n", estimatedRoll, rollError);
// Estimate pitch
double estimatedPitch = rugged.getLineSensor(sensorName).
filter(driver -> driver.getName().equals(sensorName+"_pitch")).
double pitchError = (estimatedPitch - pitchValue);
System.out.format("Estimated pitch: %3.5f\tpitch error: %3.6e %n", estimatedPitch, pitchError);
double estimatedFactor = rugged.getLineSensor(sensorName).
filter(driver -> driver.getName().equals(commonFactorName)).
double factorError = (estimatedFactor - factorValue);
System.out.format("Estimated factor: %3.5f\tfactor error: %3.6e %n", estimatedFactor, factorError);