/* Copyright 2013-2017 CS Systèmes d'Information
* Licensed to CS Systèmes d'Information (CS) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package RefiningPleiades.generators;
import org.hipparchus.random.GaussianRandomGenerator;
import org.hipparchus.random.UncorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator;
import org.hipparchus.random.Well19937a;
import org.orekit.rugged.api.Rugged;
import org.orekit.rugged.errors.RuggedException;
import org.orekit.rugged.errors.RuggedExceptionWrapper;
import org.orekit.rugged.errors.RuggedMessages;
import org.orekit.rugged.linesensor.LineSensor;
import org.orekit.rugged.linesensor.SensorPixel;
import org.orekit.rugged.adjustment.measurements.Observables;
import org.orekit.rugged.adjustment.measurements.SensorToSensorMapping;
import org.orekit.rugged.utils.SpacecraftToObservedBody;
import RefiningPleiades.metrics.DistanceTools;
* Inter-measurements generator (sensor to sensor mapping).
* @author Guylaine Prat
* @since 2.0
public class InterMeasurementGenerator implements Measurable {
/** Mapping from sensor A to sensor B. */
/** Observables which contains sensor to sensor mapping.*/
/** Rugged instance corresponding to the viewing model A */
/** Rugged instance corresponding to the viewing model B */
/** Sensor A */
/** Sensor B */
Jonathan Guinet
private LineSensor sensorB;
/** Number of measurements */
private int measurementCount;
// TODO GP pas utilise ...
// private String sensorNameA;
/** Sensor name B */
/** Number of line for acquisition A */
private int dimensionA;
/** Number of line for acquisition B */
private int dimensionB;
/** Limit value for outlier points */
/** Default constructor: measurements generation without outlier points control
* @param ruggedA Rugged instance corresponding to the viewing model A
* @param sensorNameA sensor name A
* @param dimensionA number of line for acquisition A
* @param ruggedB Rugged instance corresponding to the viewing model B
* @param sensorNameB sensor name B
* @param dimensionB number of line for acquisition B
public InterMeasurementGenerator(final Rugged ruggedA, final String sensorNameA, final int dimensionA,
final Rugged ruggedB, final String sensorNameB, final int dimensionB)
throws RuggedException {
initParams(ruggedA, sensorNameA, dimensionA, ruggedB, sensorNameB, dimensionB);
// Generate reference mapping, without Earth distance constraint
interMapping = new SensorToSensorMapping(sensorNameA, sensorNameB);
// Create observables for two models
/** Constructor for measurements generation taking into account outlier points control,
* @param ruggedA Rugged instance corresponding to the viewing model A
* @param sensorNameA sensor name A
* @param dimensionA dimension for acquisition A
* @param ruggedB Rugged instance corresponding to the viewing model B
* @param sensorNameB sensor name B
* @param dimensionB dimension for acquisition B
* @param outlier limit value for outlier points
public InterMeasurementGenerator(final Rugged ruggedA, final String sensorNameA, final int dimensionA,
final Rugged ruggedB, final String sensorNameB, final int dimensionB,
final double outlier)
throws RuggedException {
this(ruggedA, sensorNameA, dimensionA, ruggedB, sensorNameB, dimensionB);
/** Constructor for measurements generation taking into account outlier points control,
* @param ruggedA Rugged instance corresponding to the viewing model A
* @param sensorNameA sensor name A
* @param dimensionA dimension for acquisition A
* @param ruggedB Rugged instance corresponding to the viewing model B
* @param sensorNameB sensor name B
* @param dimensionB dimension for acquisition B
* @param outlier limit value for outlier points
* @param earthConstraintWeight weight given to the Earth distance constraint
* with respect to the LOS distance (between 0 and 1).
* @throws RuggedException
public InterMeasurementGenerator(final Rugged ruggedA, final String sensorNameA, final int dimensionA,
final Rugged ruggedB, final String sensorNameB, final int dimensionB,
final double outlier, final double earthConstraintWeight)
throws RuggedException {
initParams(ruggedA, sensorNameA, dimensionA, ruggedB, sensorNameB, dimensionB);
// Generate reference mapping, with Earth distance constraints.
// (1-earthConstraintWeight) for losDistance weighting
// earthConstraintWeight for earthDistance weighting
interMapping = new SensorToSensorMapping(sensorNameA, ruggedA.getName(), sensorNameB, ruggedB.getName(), earthConstraintWeight);
// Outlier points control
// Observables which contains sensor to sensor mapping
/** Get the mapping from sensor A to sensor B
* @return the mapping from sensor A to sensor B
public SensorToSensorMapping getInterMapping() {
return interMapping;
/** Get the observables which contains sensor to sensor mapping
* @return the observables which contains sensor to sensor mapping
public Observables getObservables() {
return observables;
public int getMeasurementCount() {
return measurementCount;
public void createMeasurement(final int lineSampling, final int pixelSampling) throws RuggedException {
// Search the sensor pixel seeing point
final int minLine = 0;
final int maxLine = dimensionB - 1;
for (double line = 0; line < dimensionA; line += lineSampling) {
for (double pixelA = 0; pixelA < sensorA.getNbPixels(); pixelA += pixelSampling) {
final GeodeticPoint gpA = ruggedA.directLocation(dateA, sensorA.getPosition(),
sensorA.getLOS(dateA, pixelA));
final SensorPixel sensorPixelB = ruggedB.inverseLocation(sensorNameB, gpA, minLine, maxLine);
// We need to test if the sensor pixel is found in the prescribed lines
// otherwise the sensor pixel is null
final AbsoluteDate dateB = sensorB.getDate(sensorPixelB.getLineNumber());
final SpacecraftToObservedBody scToBodyA = ruggedA.getScToBody();
final GeodeticPoint gpB = ruggedB.directLocation(dateB, sensorB.getPosition(),
sensorB.getLOS(dateB, pixelB));
final double GEOdistance = DistanceTools.computeDistanceInMeter(gpA.getLongitude(), gpA.getLatitude(),
gpB.getLongitude(), gpB.getLatitude());
if (GEOdistance < this.outlier) {
final SensorPixel RealPixelA = new SensorPixel(line, pixelA);
final SensorPixel RealPixelB = new SensorPixel(sensorPixelB.getLineNumber(), sensorPixelB.getPixelNumber());
final AbsoluteDate RealDateA = sensorA.getDate(RealPixelA.getLineNumber());
final AbsoluteDate RealDateB = sensorB.getDate(RealPixelB.getLineNumber());
final double[] distanceLOSB = ruggedB.distanceBetweenLOS(sensorA, RealDateA, RealPixelA.getPixelNumber(), scToBodyA,
sensorB, RealDateB, RealPixelB.getPixelNumber());
final double losDistance = 0.0;
final double earthDistance = distanceLOSB[1];
interMapping.addMapping(RealPixelA, RealPixelB, losDistance, earthDistance);
// increment the number of measurements
/** Tie point creation from direct 1ocation with Rugged A and inverse location with Rugged B
* @param lineSampling sampling along lines
* @param pixelSampling sampling along columns
* @param noise errors to apply to measure for pixel A and pixel B
public void createNoisyMeasurement(final int lineSampling, final int pixelSampling, final Noise noise)
// Get noise features (errors)
// [pixelA, pixelB] mean
final double[] mean = noise.getMean();
// [pixelA, pixelB] standard deviation
final double[] std = noise.getStandardDeviation();
// Search the sensor pixel seeing point
final int maxLine = dimensionB - 1;
final double meanA[] = { mean[0], mean[0] };
final double stdA[] = { std[0], std[0] };
final double meanB[] = { mean[1], mean[1] };
final double stdB[] = { std[1], std[1] };
// TODO GP explanation about seed ???
final GaussianRandomGenerator rngA = new GaussianRandomGenerator(new Well19937a(0xefac03d9be4d24b9l));
final UncorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator rvgA = new UncorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator(meanA, stdA, rngA);
// TODO GP explanation about seed ???
final GaussianRandomGenerator rngB = new GaussianRandomGenerator(new Well19937a(0xdf1c03d9be0b34b9l));
final UncorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator rvgB = new UncorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator(meanB, stdB, rngB);
for (double line = 0; line < dimensionA; line += lineSampling) {
final AbsoluteDate dateA = sensorA.getDate(line);
for (double pixelA = 0; pixelA < sensorA.getNbPixels(); pixelA += pixelSampling) {
final GeodeticPoint gpA = ruggedA.directLocation(dateA, sensorA.getPosition(),
sensorA.getLOS(dateA, pixelA));
final SensorPixel sensorPixelB = ruggedB.inverseLocation(sensorNameB, gpA, minLine, maxLine);
// We need to test if the sensor pixel is found in the prescribed lines
// otherwise the sensor pixel is null
final AbsoluteDate dateB = sensorB.getDate(sensorPixelB.getLineNumber());
final double pixelB = sensorPixelB.getPixelNumber();
// Get spacecraft to body transform of Rugged instance A
final SpacecraftToObservedBody scToBodyA = ruggedA.getScToBody();
final GeodeticPoint gpB = ruggedB.directLocation(dateB, sensorB.getPosition(),
sensorB.getLOS(dateB, pixelB));
final double GEOdistance = DistanceTools.computeDistanceInMeter(gpA.getLongitude(), gpA.getLatitude(),
gpB.getLongitude(), gpB.getLatitude());
// TODO GP explanation about computation here
Jonathan Guinet
final double[] vecRandomA = rvgA.nextVector();
final double[] vecRandomB = rvgB.nextVector();
final SensorPixel RealPixelA = new SensorPixel(line + vecRandomA[0], pixelA + vecRandomA[1]);
final SensorPixel RealPixelB = new SensorPixel(sensorPixelB.getLineNumber() + vecRandomB[0],
sensorPixelB.getPixelNumber() + vecRandomB[1]);
final AbsoluteDate RealDateA = sensorA.getDate(RealPixelA.getLineNumber());
final AbsoluteDate RealDateB = sensorB.getDate(RealPixelB.getLineNumber());
final double[] distanceLOSB = ruggedB.distanceBetweenLOS(sensorA, RealDateA, RealPixelA.getPixelNumber(), scToBodyA,
sensorB, RealDateB, RealPixelB.getPixelNumber());
final Double losDistance = 0.0;
final Double earthDistance = distanceLOSB[1];
interMapping.addMapping(RealPixelA, RealPixelB, losDistance, earthDistance);
// increment the number of measurements
Jonathan Guinet
/** Default constructor: measurements generation without outlier points control
* @param rA Rugged instance A
* @param sNameA sensor name A
* @param dimA dimension for acquisition A
* @param rB Rugged instance B
* @param sNameB sensor name B
* @param dimB dimension for acquisition B
private void initParams(final Rugged rA, final String sNameA, final int dimA,
final Rugged rB, final String sNameB, final int dimB)
throws RuggedException {
// Check that sensors's name is different
throw new RuggedExceptionWrapper(new RuggedException(RuggedMessages.DUPLICATED_PARAMETER_NAME, sNameA));
this.sensorA = rA.getLineSensor(sNameA);
this.sensorB = rB.getLineSensor(sNameB);
this.measurementCount = 0;