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BUILDING.txt 1.75 KiB
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Rugged can be built from source either using maven 3 or eclipse.

Building with Maven 3:
 - Maven 3 can be downloaded here:
 - If you are behind a proxy (which is a traditional
   setting in a corporate environment), then you need
   to configure maven to use it. This is explained
   in the maven documentation here:
 - run "mvn package" to automatically download all
   the required dependencies listed in the pom.xml file
   and create a file named target/rugged-x.y.jar where
   x.y is the version number

Building with Eclipse:
 - Eclipse can be downloaded here:
 - extract the rugged source jar in your eclipse workspace
 - create a new java project from existing sources and direct
   Eclipse to the directory where you unpacked Rugged
 - set the source folders to rugged/src/main/java,
   rugged/src/main/resources, rugged/src/test/java,
   rugged/src/test/resources in
   the source tab of the Configure Build Path dialog
 - set the external libraries to JRE system library (provided by Eclipse),
   Junit 4.x (provided by Eclipse) orekit (available at Orekit website and Apache Commons Math (available at
   Apache Software Foundation commons-math
   in the libraries tab of the Configure Build Path dialog
 - if you want to also build the optional geotiff module, you should
   add rugged/geotiff/src/main/java, rugged/geotiff/src/main/resources,
   rugged/geotiff/src/test/java, rugged/geotiff/src/test/resources in
   the source tab of the Configure Build Path dialog and add the
   Apache Commons Imaging library to the external libraries