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Commit 2ea9c1d2 authored by Luc Maisonobe's avatar Luc Maisonobe
Browse files

First working version of inverse localization.

parent 0fd69dd0
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......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Precision;
import org.orekit.attitudes.Attitude;
import org.orekit.attitudes.AttitudeProvider;
import org.orekit.attitudes.TabulatedProvider;
......@@ -539,17 +540,17 @@ public class Rugged {
final Vector3D eP2 = ellipsoid.transform(gp1);
final double deltaT2 = eP2.distance(sP) / Constants.SPEED_OF_LIGHT;
final Transform shifted2 = inertToBody.shiftedBy(-deltaT2);
gp[i] = alg.refineIntersection(ellipsoid,
gp[i - start] = alg.refineIntersection(ellipsoid,
} else {
// compute DEM intersection without light time correction
final Vector3D pBody = inertToBody.transformPosition(pInert);
final Vector3D lBody = inertToBody.transformVector(lInert);
gp[i] = alg.refineIntersection(ellipsoid, pBody, lBody,
alg.intersection(ellipsoid, pBody, lBody));
gp[i - start] = alg.refineIntersection(ellipsoid, pBody, lBody,
alg.intersection(ellipsoid, pBody, lBody));
......@@ -592,12 +593,10 @@ public class Rugged {
// compute a quadrilateral that should surround the target
final double lInf = FastMath.floor(coarseLine);
final double lSup = lInf + 1;
final int pInf = FastMath.max(0, FastMath.min(sensor.getNbPixels() - 2, (int) FastMath.floor(coarsePixel)));
final int pSup = pInf + 1;
final IntersectionAlgorithm alg = new FixedAltitudeAlgorithm(groundPoint.getAltitude());
final GeodeticPoint[] previous = directLocalization(sensor, pInf, pSup, alg, lInf);
final GeodeticPoint[] next = directLocalization(sensor, pInf, pSup, alg, lSup);
final GeodeticPoint[] previous = directLocalization(sensor, pInf, pInf + 2, alg, lInf);
final GeodeticPoint[] next = directLocalization(sensor, pInf, pInf + 2, alg, lInf + 1);
final double[] interp = interpolationCoordinates(groundPoint.getLongitude(), groundPoint.getLatitude(),
previous[0].getLongitude(), previous[0].getLatitude(),
......@@ -605,7 +604,7 @@ public class Rugged {
next[0].getLongitude(), next[0].getLatitude(),
next[1].getLongitude(), next[1].getLatitude());
return new SensorPixel(lInf + interp[1], pInf + interp[0]);
return (interp == null) ? null : new SensorPixel(lInf + interp[1], pInf + interp[0]);
} catch (NoBracketingException nbe) {
// there are no solutions in the search interval
......@@ -621,29 +620,103 @@ public class Rugged {
/** Compute a point bilinear interpolation coordinates.
* <p>
* This method is used to find interpolation coordinates when the
* quadrilateral is <em>not</em> an exact rectangle.
* quadrilateral is <em>not</em> a perfect rectangle.
* </p>
* @param x point abscissa
* @param y point ordinate
* @param xA lower left abscissa
* @param yA lower left ordinate
* @param xB lower right abscissa
* @param yB lower right ordinate
* @param xC upper left abscissa
* @param yC upper left ordinate
* @param xD upper right abscissa
* @param yD upper right ordinate
* @return interpolation coordinates corresponding to point {@code x}, {@code y}
* @param xuv desired point abscissa, at interpolation coordinates u, v
* @param yuv desired point ordinate, at interpolation coordinates u, v
* @param x00 abscissa for base quadrilateral point at u = 0, v = 0
* @param y00 ordinate for base quadrilateral point at u = 0, v = 0
* @param x10 abscissa for base quadrilateral point at u = 1, v = 0
* @param y10 ordinate for base quadrilateral point at u = 1, v = 0
* @param x01 abscissa for base quadrilateral point at u = 0, v = 1
* @param y01 ordinate for base quadrilateral point at u = 0, v = 1
* @param x11 abscissa for base quadrilateral point at u = 1, v = 1
* @param y11 ordinate for base quadrilateral point at u = 1, v = 1
* @return interpolation coordinates {@code u, v} corresponding to point {@code xuv, yuv},
* or null if no such points can be found
private double[] interpolationCoordinates(final double x, final double y,
final double xA, final double yA,
final double xB, final double yB,
final double xC, final double yC,
final double xD, final double yD) {
// TODO: compute coordinates
return new double[] {
Double.NaN, Double.NaN
private double[] interpolationCoordinates(final double xuv, final double yuv,
final double x00, final double y00,
final double x10, final double y10,
final double x01, final double y01,
final double x11, final double y11) {
// bilinear interpolation can be written as follows:
// P(0,v) = v P(0,1) + (1 - v) P(0,0)
// P(1,v) = v P(1,1) + (1 - v) P(1,0)
// P(u,v) = u P(1,v) + (1 - u) P(0,v)
// which can be solved for u:
// u = [P(u,v) - P(0,v)] / [P(1,v) - P(0,v)]
// this equation holds for both x and y coordinates of the various P points, so u can be eliminated:
// [x(u,v) - x(0,v)] * [y(1,v) - y(0,v)] - [y(u,v) - y(0,v)] * [x(1,v) - x(0,v)] = 0
// this is a quadratic equation in v: a v² + bv + c = 0
final double a = y11 * x00 - y10 * x00 + y10 * x01 - y11 * x01 + y01 * x11 - y01 * x10 - y00 * x11 + y00 * x10;
final double b = y11 * xuv - y10 * xuv + y00 * xuv - y01 * xuv - y11 * x00 + 2 * y10 * x00 - y10 * x01 + y01 * x10 + y00 * x11 - 2 * y00 * x10 + yuv * x01 + yuv * x10 - yuv * x11 - yuv * x00;
final double c = y10 * xuv - y00 * xuv - y10 * x00 + y00 * x10 - yuv * x10 + yuv * x00;
if (FastMath.abs(a) < Precision.EPSILON * (FastMath.abs(b) + FastMath.abs(c))) {
if (FastMath.abs(b) < Precision.EPSILON * FastMath.abs(c)) {
return null;
} else {
// solve linear equation in v
final double v = -c / b;
// recover uA from vA
final double x0v = v * x01 + (1 - v) * x00;
final double x1v = v * x11 + (1 - v) * x10;
final double dX = x1v - x0v;
final double y0v = v * y01 + (1 - v) * y00;
final double y1v = v * y11 + (1 - v) * y10;
final double dY = y1v - y0v;
final double u = (FastMath.abs(dX) >= FastMath.abs(dX)) ? ((xuv - x0v) / dX) : ((yuv - y0v) / dY);
return new double[] {
u, v
} else {
// solve quadratic equation in v
final double bb = b * b;
final double fac = 4 * a * c;
if (bb < fac) {
return null;
final double s = FastMath.sqrt(bb - fac);
final double vA = (b > 0) ? -(s + b) / (2 * a) : (2 * c) / (s - b);
final double vB = c / (a * vA);
// recover uA from vA
final double x0vA = vA * x01 + (1 - vA) * x00;
final double x1vA = vA * x11 + (1 - vA) * x10;
final double dXA = x1vA - x0vA;
final double y0vA = vA * y01 + (1 - vA) * y00;
final double y1vA = vA * y11 + (1 - vA) * y10;
final double dYA = y1vA - y0vA;
final double uA = (FastMath.abs(dXA) >= FastMath.abs(dXA)) ? ((xuv - x0vA) / dXA) : ((yuv - y0vA) / dYA);
// recover uB from vB
final double x0vB = vB * x01 + (1 - vB) * x00;
final double x1vB = vB * x11 + (1 - vB) * x10;
final double dXB = x1vB - x0vB;
final double y0vB = vB * y01 + (1 - vB) * y00;
final double y1vB = vB * y11 + (1 - vB) * y10;
final double dYB = y1vB - y0vB;
final double uB = (FastMath.abs(dXB) >= FastMath.abs(dXB)) ? ((xuv - x0vB) / dXB) : ((yuv - y0vB) / dYB);
if ((uA * uA + vA * vA) <= (uB * uB + vB * vB)) {
return new double[] {
uA, vA
} else {
return new double[] {
uA, vA
/** Local class for finding when ground point crosses mean sensor plane. */
......@@ -427,8 +427,15 @@ public class RuggedTest {
public void testInverseLocalization()
throws RuggedException, OrekitException, URISyntaxException {
checkInverseLocalization(2000, false, false, 4.0e-5, 4.0e-5);
checkInverseLocalization(2000, false, true, 4.0e-5, 4.0e-5);
checkInverseLocalization(2000, true, false, 4.0e-5, 4.0e-5);
checkInverseLocalization(2000, true, true, 4.0e-5, 4.0e-5);
int dimension = 3;
private void checkInverseLocalization(int dimension, boolean lightTimeCorrection, boolean aberrationOfLightCorrection,
double maxLineError, double maxPixelError)
throws RuggedException, OrekitException, URISyntaxException {
String path = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("orekit-data").toURI().getPath();
DataProvidersManager.getInstance().addProvider(new DirectoryCrawler(new File(path)));
......@@ -459,21 +466,24 @@ public class RuggedTest {
EllipsoidId.WGS84, InertialFrameId.EME2000, BodyRotatingFrameId.ITRF,
orbitToPV(orbit, earth, lineDatation, firstLine, lastLine, 0.25), 8,
orbitToQ(orbit, earth, lineDatation, firstLine, lastLine, 0.25), 2);
double referenceLine = dimension / 2;
double referenceLine = 0.56789 * dimension;
GeodeticPoint[] gp = rugged.directLocalization("line", referenceLine);
for (int i = 1; i < gp.length - 1; ++i) {
SensorPixel sp = rugged.inverseLocalization("line", gp[i], 0, dimension);
System.out.println(i + " " + (referenceLine - sp.getLineNumber()) + " " + (i - sp.getPixelNumber()));
// Assert.assertEquals(referenceLine, sp.getLineNumber(), 5.0e-6);
// Assert.assertEquals(i, sp.getPixelNumber(), 1.0e-7);
for (double p = 1; p < gp.length - 1; p += 0.2) {
int i = (int) FastMath.floor(p);
double d = p - i;
GeodeticPoint g = new GeodeticPoint((1 - d) * gp[i].getLatitude() + d * gp[i + 1].getLatitude(),
(1 - d) * gp[i].getLongitude() + d * gp[i + 1].getLongitude(),
(1 - d) * gp[i].getAltitude() + d * gp[i + 1].getAltitude());
SensorPixel sp = rugged.inverseLocalization("line", g, 0, dimension);
Assert.assertEquals(referenceLine, sp.getLineNumber(), maxLineError);
Assert.assertEquals(p, sp.getPixelNumber(), maxPixelError);
private BodyShape createEarth()
throws OrekitException {
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