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Commit 6473130e authored by Luc Maisonobe's avatar Luc Maisonobe
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Merge branch 'master' into debug-dump

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......@@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ import org.orekit.rugged.raster.SimpleTile;
public class MinMaxTreeTile extends SimpleTile {
/** Raw elevations. */
private double[] raw;
/** Min kd-tree. */
private double[] minTree;
......@@ -96,6 +99,8 @@ public class MinMaxTreeTile extends SimpleTile {
protected void processUpdatedElevation(final double[] elevations) {
raw = elevations;
final int nbRows = getLatitudeRows();
final int nbCols = getLongitudeColumns();
......@@ -107,12 +112,12 @@ public class MinMaxTreeTile extends SimpleTile {
// compute min/max trees
if (start.length > 0) {
final double[] preprocessed = new double[elevations.length];
final double[] preprocessed = new double[raw.length];
preprocess(preprocessed, elevations, nbRows, nbCols, new Min());
preprocess(preprocessed, raw, nbRows, nbCols, new Min());
applyRecursively(minTree, start.length - 1, nbRows, nbCols, new Min(), preprocessed, 0);
preprocess(preprocessed, elevations, nbRows, nbCols, new Max());
preprocess(preprocessed, raw, nbRows, nbCols, new Max());
applyRecursively(maxTree, start.length - 1, nbRows, nbCols, new Max(), preprocessed, 0);
......@@ -130,10 +135,32 @@ public class MinMaxTreeTile extends SimpleTile {
/** Get the minimum elevation at some level tree.
* <p>
* Note that the min elevation is <em>not</em> computed
* only at cell center, but considering that it is interpolated
* considering also Eastwards and Northwards neighbors, and extends
* up to the center of these neighbors. As an example, lets consider
* four neighboring cells in some Digital Elevation Model:
* <table border="0" cellpadding="5" bgcolor="#f5f5dc">
* <tr><th bgcolor="#c9d5c9">j+1</th><td>11</td><td>10</td></tr>
* <tr><th bgcolor="#c9d5c9">j</th><td>12</td><td>11</td></tr>
* <tr bgcolor="#c9d5c9"><th>j/i</th><th>i</th><th>i+1</th></tr>
* </table>
* When we interpolate elevation at a point located slightly South-West
* to the center of the (i+1, j+1) cell, we use all four cells in the
* interpolation, and we will get a result very close to 10 if we start
* close to (i+1, j+1) cell center. As the min value for this interpolation
* is stored at (i, j) indices, this implies that {@code getMinElevation(i,
* j, l)} must return 10 if l is chosen such that the sub-tile at
* tree level l includes cell (i,j) but not cell (i+1, j+1). In other words,
* interpolation implies sub-tile boundaries are overshoot by one column to
* the East and one row to the North when computing min.
* </p>
* @param i row index of the cell
* @param j column index of the cell
* @param level tree level
* @return minimum elevation
* @return minimum value that can be reached when interpolating elevation
* in the sub-tile
* @see #getLevels()
* @see #getMaxElevation(int, int, int)
* @see #getMergeLevel(int, int, int, int)
......@@ -149,10 +176,9 @@ public class MinMaxTreeTile extends SimpleTile {
final int levelC = 1 + ((getLongitudeColumns() - 1) >> colShift);
if (DumpManager.isActive()) {
// the following call is performed only for its side-effect
// of dumping the ancestor elevation, during the final
// call to getElevationAtIndices
findAncestor(i, j, level, true);
final int[] ancestor = findAncestor(i, j, level, true);
DumpManager.dumpTileCell(this, ancestor[0], ancestor[1],
raw[ancestor[0] * getLongitudeColumns() + ancestor[1]]);
return minTree[start[level] + levelI * levelC + levelJ];
......@@ -160,10 +186,32 @@ public class MinMaxTreeTile extends SimpleTile {
/** Get the maximum elevation at some level tree.
* <p>
* Note that the max elevation is <em>not</em> computed
* only at cell center, but considering that it is interpolated
* considering also Eastwards and Northwards neighbors, and extends
* up to the center of these neighbors. As an example, lets consider
* four neighboring cells in some Digital Elevation Model:
* <table border="0" cellpadding="5" bgcolor="#f5f5dc">
* <tr><th bgcolor="#c9d5c9">j+1</th><td>11</td><td>12</td></tr>
* <tr><th bgcolor="#c9d5c9">j</th><td>10</td><td>11</td></tr>
* <tr bgcolor="#c9d5c9"><th>j/i</th><th>i</th><th>i+1</th></tr>
* </table>
* When we interpolate elevation at a point located slightly South-West
* to the center of the (i+1, j+1) cell, we use all four cells in the
* interpolation, and we will get a result very close to 12 if we start
* close to (i+1, j+1) cell center. As the max value for this interpolation
* is stored at (i, j) indices, this implies that {@code getMaxElevation(i,
* j, l)} must return 12 if l is chosen such that the sub-tile at
* tree level l includes cell (i,j) but not cell (i+1, j+1). In other words,
* interpolation implies sub-tile boundaries are overshoot by one column to
* the East and one row to the North when computing max.
* </p>
* @param i row index of the cell
* @param j column index of the cell
* @param level tree level
* @return maximum elevation
* @return maximum value that can be reached when interpolating elevation
* in the sub-tile
* @see #getLevels()
* @see #getMinElevation(int, int, int)
* @see #getMergeLevel(int, int, int, int)
......@@ -179,10 +227,9 @@ public class MinMaxTreeTile extends SimpleTile {
final int levelC = 1 + ((getLongitudeColumns() - 1) >> colShift);
if (DumpManager.isActive()) {
// the following call is performed only for its side-effect
// of dumping the ancestor elevation, during the final
// call to getElevationAtIndices
findAncestor(i, j, level, false);
final int[] ancestor = findAncestor(i, j, level, false);
DumpManager.dumpTileCell(this, ancestor[0], ancestor[1],
raw[ancestor[0] * getLongitudeColumns() + ancestor[1]]);
return maxTree[start[level] + levelI * levelC + levelJ];
......@@ -223,12 +270,12 @@ public class MinMaxTreeTile extends SimpleTile {
if (levelJ + 1 < levelC) {
// the cell results from a regular merging of two columns
if (isMin) {
if (minTree[start[l] + levelI * levelC + levelJ] <=
if (minTree[start[l] + levelI * levelC + levelJ] >
minTree[start[l] + levelI * levelC + levelJ + 1]) {
} else {
if (maxTree[start[l] + levelI * levelC + levelJ] >=
if (maxTree[start[l] + levelI * levelC + levelJ] <
maxTree[start[l] + levelI * levelC + levelJ + 1]) {
......@@ -244,12 +291,12 @@ public class MinMaxTreeTile extends SimpleTile {
if (levelI + 1 < levelR) {
// the cell results from a regular merging of two rows
if (isMin) {
if (minTree[start[l] + levelI * levelC + levelJ] <=
if (minTree[start[l] + levelI * levelC + levelJ] >
minTree[start[l] + (levelI + 1) * levelC + levelJ]) {
} else {
if (maxTree[start[l] + levelI * levelC + levelJ] >=
if (maxTree[start[l] + levelI * levelC + levelJ] <
maxTree[start[l] + (levelI + 1) * levelC + levelJ]) {
......@@ -263,24 +310,54 @@ public class MinMaxTreeTile extends SimpleTile {
// we are now at first merge level, which always results from a column merge of raw data
levelJ = levelJ << 1;
levelC = getLongitudeColumns();
final int[] interpolationBase;
if (levelJ + 1 < levelC) {
// the cell results from a regular merging of two columns
if (isMin) {
if (getElevationAtIndices(levelI, levelJ) <=
getElevationAtIndices(levelI, levelJ + 1)) {
} else {
if (getElevationAtIndices(levelI, levelJ) >=
getElevationAtIndices(levelI, levelJ + 1)) {
interpolationBase = selectExtreme(new int[] {
levelI, levelJ
}, new int[] {
levelI, levelJ + 1
}, isMin);
} else {
// the cell is on last column
interpolationBase = new int[] {
levelI, levelJ
// as min/max are computed taking interpolation into account,
// we need to check 3 neighbors too (or fewer if on last row/column)
final int[] south = selectExtreme(interpolationBase,
new int[] {
interpolationBase[0] , interpolationBase[1] + 1
}, isMin);
final int[] north = selectExtreme(new int[] {
interpolationBase[0] + 1, interpolationBase[1] + 1
}, new int[] {
interpolationBase[0] + 1, interpolationBase[1] + 1
}, isMin);
return selectExtreme(south, north, isMin);
/** Select an extreme cell.
* @param x1 indices of first cell
* @param x2 indices of second cell (may be out of tile ...)
* @param isMin if true, the min ancestor cell is desired, otherwise the max ancestor
* cell is desired
* @return row/column indices of the min/max cell
private int[] selectExtreme(final int[] x1, final int[] x2, final boolean isMin) {
if (x2[0] >= getLatitudeRows() || x2[1] >= getLongitudeColumns()) {
// the second cell is out of tile
return x1;
return new int[] {
levelI, levelJ
final double e1 = raw[x1[0] * getLongitudeColumns() + x1[1]];
final double e2 = raw[x2[0] * getLongitudeColumns() + x2[1]];
return (isMin ^ (e1 > e2)) ? x1 : x2;
......@@ -135,14 +135,16 @@ public class MinMaxTreeTileTest {
public void testAncestor() throws RuggedException {
RandomGenerator random = new Well1024a(0xca9883209c6e740cl);
for (int nbRows = 1; nbRows < 25; nbRows++) {
for (int nbColumns = 1; nbColumns < 25; nbColumns++) {
for (int nbRows = 3; nbRows < 4; nbRows++) {
for (int nbColumns = 3; nbColumns < 4; nbColumns++) {
MinMaxTreeTile tile = new MinMaxTreeTileFactory().createTile();
tile.setGeometry(1.0, 2.0, 0.1, 0.2, nbRows, nbColumns);
for (int i = 0; i < nbRows; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < nbColumns; ++j) {
tile.setElevation(i, j, 1000.0 * random.nextDouble());
final double e = 1000.0 * random.nextDouble();
tile.setElevation(i, j, e);
System.out.println(i + " " + j + " " + e);
......@@ -151,6 +153,9 @@ public class MinMaxTreeTileTest {
for (int j = 0; j < tile.getLongitudeColumns(); ++j) {
for (int l = 0; l < tile.getLevels(); ++l) {
int[] minAncestor = tile.findAncestor(i, j, l, true);
System.out.println(i + " " + j + " " + l + " -> min = " + minAncestor[0] + " " + minAncestor[1]);
System.out.println(tile.getMinElevation(i, j, l) + " / " +
tile.getElevationAtIndices(minAncestor[0], minAncestor[1]));
Assert.assertEquals(tile.getMinElevation(i, j, l),
tile.getElevationAtIndices(minAncestor[0], minAncestor[1]),
......@@ -165,6 +170,21 @@ public class MinMaxTreeTileTest {
public void testIssue189() throws RuggedException {
MinMaxTreeTile tile = new MinMaxTreeTileFactory().createTile();
tile.setGeometry(1.0, 2.0, 0.1, 0.2, 2, 2);
tile.setElevation(0, 0, 1.0);
tile.setElevation(0, 1, 2.0);
tile.setElevation(1, 0, 3.0);
tile.setElevation(1, 1, 4.0);
Assert.assertEquals(1.0, tile.getMinElevation(0, 0, 0), 1.0e-10);
Assert.assertEquals(3.0, tile.getMinElevation(1, 0, 0), 1.0e-10);
Assert.assertEquals(4.0, tile.getMaxElevation(0, 0, 0), 1.0e-10);
Assert.assertEquals(4.0, tile.getMaxElevation(1, 0, 0), 1.0e-10);
public void testMergeLarge() throws RuggedException {
MinMaxTreeTile tile = createTile(1201, 1201);
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