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Commit 73a12c2c authored by Luc Maisonobe's avatar Luc Maisonobe
Browse files

started implementation of the Duvenhage algorithm.

parent f6e9481d
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......@@ -52,12 +52,14 @@ public enum RuggedMessages implements Localizable {
INTERNAL_ERROR("internal error, contact maintenance at {0}"),
OUT_OF_TILE_INDICES("no data at indices [{0}, {1}], tile only covers from [0, 0] to [{2}, {3}] (inclusive)"),
OUT_OF_TILE_ANGLES("no data at latitude {0} and longitude {1}, tile covers only latitudes {2} to {3} and longitudes {4} to {5}"),
UNINITIALIZED_CONTEXT("general context has not been initialized"),
EMPTY_TILE("tile is empty: {0} ⨉ {1}"),
UNKNOWN_SENSOR("unknown sensor {0}"),
LINE_OF_SIGHT_NEVER_CROSSES_LATITUDE("line-of-sight never crosses latitude {0}"),
LINE_OF_SIGHT_NEVER_CROSSES_LONGITUDE("line-of-sight never crosses longitude {0}"),
LINE_OF_SIGHT_NEVER_CROSSES_ALTITUDE("line-of-sight never crosses altitude {0}");
LINE_OF_SIGHT_NEVER_CROSSES_ALTITUDE("line-of-sight never crosses altitude {0}"),
DEM_ENTRY_POINT_IS_BEHIND_SPACECRAFT("line-of-sight enters the Digital Elevation Model behind spacecraft!");
// CHECKSTYLE: resume JavadocVariable check
......@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ INTERNAL_ERROR = internal error, contact maintenance at {0}
# no data at indices [{0}, {1}], tile only covers from [0, 0] to [{2}, {3}] (inclusive)
OUT_OF_TILE_INDICES = no data at indices [{0}, {1}], tile only covers from [0, 0] to [{2}, {3}] (inclusive)
# no data at latitude {0} and longitude {1}, tile covers only latitudes {2} to {3} and longitudes {4} to {5}
OUT_OF_TILE_ANGLES = no data at latitude {0} and longitude {1}, tile covers only latitudes {2} to {3} and longitudes {4} to {5}
# general context has not been initialized
UNINITIALIZED_CONTEXT = general context has not been initialized
......@@ -21,3 +24,6 @@ LINE_OF_SIGHT_NEVER_CROSSES_LONGITUDE = line-of-sight never crosses longitude {0
# line never crosses altitude {0}
LINE_OF_SIGHT_NEVER_CROSSES_ALTITUDE = line-of-sight never crosses altitude {0}
# line-of-sight enters the Digital Elevation Model behind spacecraft!
DEM_ENTRY_POINT_IS_BEHIND_SPACECRAFT = line-of-sight enters the Digital Elevation Model behind spacecraft!
......@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ INTERNAL_ERROR = erreur interne, contactez la maintenance à {0}
# no data at indices [{0}, {1}], tile only covers from [0, 0] to [{2}, {3}] (inclusive)
OUT_OF_TILE_INDICES = aucune donnée aux indices [{0}, {1}], la tuile ne couvre que de [0, 0] à [{2}, {3}] inclus
# no data at latitude {0} and longitude {1}, tile covers only latitudes {2} to {3} and longitudes {4} to {5}
OUT_OF_TILE_ANGLES = aucune donnée à la latitude {0} et à la longitude {1}, la tuile ne couvre que les latitudes de {2} à {3} et les longitudes de {4} à {5}
# general context has not been initialized
UNINITIALIZED_CONTEXT = le contexte général n''a pas été initialisé
......@@ -21,3 +24,6 @@ LINE_OF_SIGHT_NEVER_CROSSES_LONGITUDE = la ligne de visée ne franchit jamais la
# line never crosses altitude {0}
LINE_OF_SIGHT_NEVER_CROSSES_ALTITUDE = la ligne de visée ne franchit jamais l''altitude {0}
# line-of-sight enters the Digital Elevation Model behind spacecraft!
DEM_ENTRY_POINT_IS_BEHIND_SPACECRAFT = la ligne de visée entre dans le Modèle Numérique de Terrain derrière le satellite !
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public class RuggedMessagesTest {
public void testMessageNumber() {
Assert.assertEquals(8, RuggedMessages.values().length);
Assert.assertEquals(10, RuggedMessages.values().length);
......@@ -183,16 +183,64 @@ public class SimpleTile implements Tile {
return elevations[latitudeIndex * getLongitudeColumns() + longitudeIndex];
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double interpolateElevation(double latitude, double longitude)
throws RuggedException {
final double doubleLatitudeIndex = getLatitudeIndex(latitude);
final double doubleLongitudeIndex = getLontitudeIndex(longitude);
final int latitudeIndex = (int) FastMath.floor(doubleLatitudeIndex);
final int longitudeIndex = (int) FastMath.floor(doubleLongitudeIndex);
if (latitudeIndex < 0 || latitudeIndex >= (latitudeRows - 2) ||
longitudeIndex < 0 || longitudeIndex >= (longitudeColumns - 2)) {
throw new RuggedException(RuggedMessages.OUT_OF_TILE_ANGLES,
// bi-linear interpolation
final double dLat = doubleLatitudeIndex - latitudeIndex;
final double dLon = doubleLongitudeIndex - longitudeIndex;
final double e00 = getElevationAtIndices(latitudeIndex, longitudeIndex);
final double e01 = getElevationAtIndices(latitudeIndex, longitudeIndex + 1);
final double e10 = getElevationAtIndices(latitudeIndex + 1, longitudeIndex);
final double e11 = getElevationAtIndices(latitudeIndex + 1, longitudeIndex + 1);
return (e00 * (1.0 - dLon) + dLon * e01) * (1.0 - dLat) +
(e10 * (1.0 - dLon) + dLon * e11) * dLat;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public int getLatitudeIndex(double latitude) {
return (int) FastMath.floor((latitude - minLatitude) / latitudeStep);
return (int) FastMath.floor(getDoubleLatitudeIndex(latitude));
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public int getLontitudeIndex(double longitude) {
return (int) FastMath.floor((longitude - minLongitude) / longitudeStep);
return (int) FastMath.floor(getDoubleLontitudeIndex(longitude));
/** Get the latitude index of a point.
* @param latitude geodetic latitude
* @return latirute index (it may lie outside of the tile!)
private double getDoubleLatitudeIndex(double latitude) {
return (latitude - minLatitude) / latitudeStep;
/** Get the longitude index of a point.
* @param longitude geodetic latitude
* @return longitude index (it may lie outside of the tile!)
private double getDoubleLontitudeIndex(double longitude) {
return (longitude - minLongitude) / longitudeStep;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
......@@ -114,6 +114,15 @@ public interface Tile extends UpdatableTile {
double getElevationAtIndices(int latitudeIndex, int longitudeIndex)
throws RuggedException;
/** Interpolate elevation.
* @param latitude ground point latitude
* @param longitude ground point longitude
* @return interpolated elevation
* @exception RuggedException if point does not lie within the tile
double interpolateElevation(double latitude, double longitude)
throws RuggedException;
/** Check if a tile covers a ground point.
* @param latitude ground point latitude
* @param longitude ground point longitude
......@@ -16,11 +16,18 @@
package org.orekit.rugged.core.duvenhage;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Deque;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
import org.orekit.bodies.GeodeticPoint;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
import org.orekit.rugged.api.RuggedException;
import org.orekit.rugged.api.RuggedMessages;
import org.orekit.rugged.api.TileUpdater;
import org.orekit.rugged.core.ExtendedEllipsoid;
import org.orekit.rugged.core.dem.IntersectionAlgorithm;
import org.orekit.rugged.core.dem.Tile;
import org.orekit.rugged.core.dem.TilesCache;
/** Digital Elevation Model intersection using Duvenhage's algorithm.
......@@ -33,6 +40,9 @@ import org.orekit.rugged.core.dem.TilesCache;
public class DuvenhageAlgorithm implements IntersectionAlgorithm {
/** Step size when skipping from one tile to a neighbor one, in meters. */
private static final double STEP = 0.01;
/** Cache for DEM tiles. */
private TilesCache<MinMaxTreeTile> cache;
......@@ -51,9 +61,218 @@ public class DuvenhageAlgorithm implements IntersectionAlgorithm {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public GeodeticPoint intersection(final ExtendedEllipsoid ellipsoid,
final Vector3D position, final Vector3D los) {
// TODO: compute intersection
return null;
final Vector3D position, final Vector3D los)
throws RuggedException {
try {
// compute intersection with ellipsoid
final Vector3D p0 = ellipsoid.pointAtAltitude(position, los, 0.0);
final GeodeticPoint gp0 = ellipsoid.transform(p0, ellipsoid.getBodyFrame(), null);
// locate the entry tile along the line-of-sight
MinMaxTreeTile tile = cache.getTile(gp0.getLatitude(), gp0.getLongitude());
GeodeticPoint current = null;
while (current == null) {
// find where line-of-sight crosses tile max altitude
final Vector3D entryP = ellipsoid.pointAtAltitude(position, los, tile.getMaxElevation());
if (Vector3D.dotProduct(entryP.subtract(position), los) < 0) {
// the entry point is behind spacecraft!
throw new RuggedException(RuggedMessages.DEM_ENTRY_POINT_IS_BEHIND_SPACECRAFT);
current = ellipsoid.transform(entryP, ellipsoid.getBodyFrame(), null);
if (tile.getLocation(current.getLatitude(), current.getLongitude()) != Tile.Location.IN_TILE) {
// the entry point is in another tile
tile = cache.getTile(current.getLatitude(), current.getLongitude());
current = null;
// loop along the path
while (true) {
int currentLatIndex = tile.getLatitudeIndex(current.getLatitude());
int currentLonIndex = tile.getLontitudeIndex(current.getLongitude());
// find where line-of-sight exit tile
final LimitPoint exit = findExit(tile, ellipsoid, position, los);
final Deque<GeodeticPoint> splitPointsQueue = new ArrayDeque<GeodeticPoint>();
while (!splitPointsQueue.isEmpty()) {
final GeodeticPoint next = splitPointsQueue.pop();
final int nextLatIndex = tile.getLatitudeIndex(next.getLatitude());
final int nextLonIndex = tile.getLontitudeIndex(next.getLongitude());
// find the largest level in the min/max kd-tree were entry and exit share a sub-tile
int level = tile.getMergeLevel(currentLatIndex, currentLonIndex, nextLatIndex, nextLonIndex);
if (level < 0) {
// TODO: push intermediate points at sub-tiles boundaries on the queue
throw RuggedException.createInternalError(null);
if (next.getAltitude() >= tile.getMaxElevation(nextLatIndex, nextLonIndex, level)) {
// the line segment is fully above Digital Elevation Model
// we can safely reject it and proceed to next part of the line-of-sight
current = next;
} else {
// TODO: split line-of-sight
if (!exit.atSide()) {
// this should never happen
// we should have left the loop with an intersection point
throw RuggedException.createInternalError(null);
// select next tile after current point
final Vector3D forward = new Vector3D(1.0, ellipsoid.transform(current), STEP, los);
current = ellipsoid.transform(forward, ellipsoid.getBodyFrame(), null);
tile = cache.getTile(current.getLatitude(), current.getLongitude());
if (tile.interpolateElevation(current.getLatitude(), current.getLongitude()) <= current.getAltitude()) {
// extremely rare case! The line-of-sight traversed the Digital Elevation Model
// during the very short forward step we used to move to next tile
// we consider this point to be OK
return current;
} catch (OrekitException oe) {
throw new RuggedException(oe, oe.getSpecifier(), oe.getParts());
/** Compute a line-of-sight exit point from a tile.
* @param tile tile to consider
* @param ellipsoid reference ellipsoid
* @param position pixel position in ellipsoid frame
* @param los pixel line-of-sight in ellipsoid frame
* @return exit point
* @exception RuggedException if exit point cannot be found
* @exception OrekitException if geodetic coordinates cannot be computed
private LimitPoint findExit(final Tile tile, final ExtendedEllipsoid ellipsoid,
final Vector3D position, final Vector3D los)
throws RuggedException, OrekitException {
// look for an exit at bottom
Vector3D exitP = ellipsoid.pointAtAltitude(position, los, tile.getMinElevation());
GeodeticPoint exitGP = ellipsoid.transform(exitP, ellipsoid.getBodyFrame(), null);
switch (tile.getLocation(exitGP.getLatitude(), exitGP.getLongitude())) {
return new LimitPoint(ellipsoid,
selectClosest(ellipsoid.pointAtLatitude(position, los, tile.getMinimumLatitude()),
ellipsoid.pointAtLongitude(position, los, tile.getMinimumLongitude()),
case WEST :
return new LimitPoint(ellipsoid,
ellipsoid.pointAtLongitude(position, los, tile.getMinimumLongitude()),
return new LimitPoint(ellipsoid,
selectClosest(ellipsoid.pointAtLatitude(position, los, tile.getMaximumLatitude()),
ellipsoid.pointAtLongitude(position, los, tile.getMinimumLongitude()),
case NORTH :
return new LimitPoint(ellipsoid,
ellipsoid.pointAtLatitude(position, los, tile.getMaximumLatitude()),
return new LimitPoint(ellipsoid,
selectClosest(ellipsoid.pointAtLatitude(position, los, tile.getMaximumLatitude()),
ellipsoid.pointAtLongitude(position, los, tile.getMaximumLongitude()),
case EAST :
return new LimitPoint(ellipsoid,
ellipsoid.pointAtLongitude(position, los, tile.getMaximumLongitude()),
return new LimitPoint(ellipsoid,
selectClosest(ellipsoid.pointAtLatitude(position, los, tile.getMinimumLatitude()),
ellipsoid.pointAtLongitude(position, los, tile.getMaximumLongitude()),
case SOUTH :
return new LimitPoint(ellipsoid,
ellipsoid.pointAtLatitude(position, los, tile.getMinimumLatitude()),
case IN_TILE :
return new LimitPoint(exitGP, false);
default :
// this should never happen
throw RuggedException.createInternalError(null);
/** Select point closest to line-of-sight start.
* @param p1 first point to consider
* @param p2 second point to consider
* @param position pixel position in ellipsoid frame
* @return either p1 or p2, depending on which is closest to position
private Vector3D selectClosest(Vector3D p1, Vector3D p2, Vector3D position) {
return Vector3D.distance(p1, position) <= Vector3D.distance(p2, position) ? p1 : p2;
/** Point at tile boundary. */
private static class LimitPoint {
/** Coordinates. */
private final GeodeticPoint point;
/** Limit status. */
private final boolean side;
/** Simple constructor.
* @param cartesian point cartesian
* @param ellipsoid reference ellipsoid
* @param side if true, the point is on a side limit, otherwise
* it is on a top/bottom limit
* @exception OrekitException if geodetic coordinates cannot be computed
public LimitPoint(final ExtendedEllipsoid ellipsoid, final Vector3D cartesian, final boolean side)
throws OrekitException {
this(ellipsoid.transform(cartesian, ellipsoid.getBodyFrame(), null), side);
/** Simple constructor.
* @param point coordinates
* @param side if true, the point is on a side limit, otherwise
* it is on a top/bottom limit
public LimitPoint(final GeodeticPoint point, final boolean side) {
this.point = point;
this.side = side;
/** Get the point coordinates.
* @return point coordinates
public GeodeticPoint getPoint() {
return point;
/** Check if point is on the side of a tile.
* @return true if the point is on a side limit, otherwise
* it is on a top/bottom limit
public boolean atSide() {
return side;
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