started on Dec 9, 2024
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
- remove TimeScale as input from DateUtils functions
- Create an object to take care of several station in one for line of visibility
- A case is not covered by InterSatVisu
- Add an InfluenceSPhere object, and change the color of the orbit of an interplanetary when it crosses a new sphere of influence.
- Use Navball to display spacecraft attitude with respect to local orbital frame
- Test coverage objective 90% for 1.1.
Completed Issues (closed)
- Make "availability" an input value where applicable
- Only show area currently covered by FOV
- YawCompensationExample needs a Satellite.png to work
- Decouple the line of visibility
- Fix inconsistency between README and cesium language writer dependency in oreczml-core
- Add the possibility to display all the targets possible to select them.
- Add station visibility "circle" in 2D mode
- Add station pass visualisation in 3D mode
- Readme has changed artifact name
- Add a real decription to objects when selected in the simulation.
- Typos in readme
- CICD : Artifacts expire in 1 week
- Add the possibility to have satellites with attitudes and different models in constellations
- Modify the `Javascript` writing into the CzmlModel & ressources can't be accessed easily with the release
- Displayed / outputed attitude is dependant on 3D/2D model used.
- Add a real javadoc for the tutorials
- Add a release guide in the wiki
- Add defaultDataContext check in pom